

the virgin has a small dick that’s probably why lesley won’t give permission to livio competition is stiff no (pun intended) :smirk::joy:

You mean Lynard? I do not think so :rofl:

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yes lynard yeah its small well not big enough to fuck lucile :joy:

But I still do not think he is a virgin…

its possible but did he cum because this girl has a serious problem not finishing guys :thinking: :joy:


As they say, it’s not the size but how you use it :laughing:

A post was merged into an existing topic: All about shaving

Did anyone notice the spike last night on the timeline, that started at around 00:25 their time? Just wondered as that spike was on every rooms timeline, it just differed in size, it was even in the sauna.


Noticed that too. But I think it was because of the party being very loud in living room and other rooms quiet so the spark was there too as the audio from livingroom was there to hear too.

That’s why then, I didn’t realise or think it sensible to set the audio triggering as well as motion, as it leads to a lot of false triggers which in turn wastes bandwidth. They must have turned it off in Tata’s old place or at night it would just be one long plateau never mind peak :rofl:. If there was an Olympics event for snoring she would win at every Olympics :rofl:



new guest needs a name :thinking:

lesley and new guy is pounding lucile in bedroom

Just exactly what is the graph line on the timeline supposed to represent?

Every time the camera senses movement. But a lot of things can cause false alarms like shadows, sound, dust, and the brightness of the room changing. That is why I only use the timeline as a rough guide.


That’s what I thought, too, but a few months back someone, I think from VHTV, said it represented the number of viewers using that camera. I could definitely be wrong, but I believe that’s what was said.

Let’s go with Landis :wink:


I have often looked at the peaks of the graph and often there is nothing happening so i think movement can’t be right. A good example of this would be Candy’s place, even now the peaks are quite high and yet she is in bed dead to the world so it can’t be movement, more likely as you say it is probably viewers.

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This is fast becoming my favorite apt. Hopefully they get some orgies going in addition to the threesomes.

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Do you remember Bonnie & Clyde? They did the same, maybe even with more people.