Kortny & Douglas

ti servono le batterie ?? :sweat_smile:

dry test :joy: :heartbeat:


spero che sia soltanto un cambio lenzuola ma ho l’impressione che questa meravigliosa bambola stia lasciando per sempre la casa, ditemi che non è cosi :disappointed_relieved: non vederla piu mette tanta tristezza,una creatura cosi dolce e splendida :heartbeat: se qualcuno sa la storia,il motivo perchè deve andare via me lo spieghi per favore grazie

Hello beautiful :v: :heart:


This apartment I will choose the words, being or not is the same, for sure there must be a lot of “activity” in the various places without cameras that this apartment has

This guest / resident makes good images in the shower, but honestly, after that it disappears, being there or not is the same, it’s just an example,

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Again very shy, does nothing during the day, now in this moment of washing avoiding images, before I did the same otherwise, not even the bath is something really uninhibited anymore

Most likely, the participants will read your derogatory comments and are now doing it specifically to annoy you. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

At least I would. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Of course, to bore me and to please you, I repeat very shy, not even the bath is really uninhibited anymore, it’s see before and see now guest shy

I’ve seen her take 4 guys at once. You are too quick to judge

I have never seen these images, but regardless of that I comment on reality, or what happens day by day, not the past, and now, I repeat now, she is more shy in the shower, before she never avoided any image, now she avoids and hides , I speak of the bath because there is nothing else in the apartment that she can do

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Super handsome and very often naked :heart_eyes:


I’d love to see these go at it again like they did at the first party. Even better if Kortny joins in :crossed_fingers:


whats that jerkoffs problem

to much vodsky I guess

he wanted to get with the _____ gal but she was not having it he’s backing _____ now so when his gal sees the video he can say he was fucked up :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

vhtv bulls__t he is kicking her ass pull the plug I’m saving this video


Which guy was being violent? A guest or Douglas


ass hole Douglas


That’s fucked. I know there is still domestic violence in the west but it doesn’t seem to be as taboo over there. It’s not acceptable