Kortny & Douglas

What just happened with this place? Just disappeared from the list

I didn’t see it before it was taken down, but it seems Douglas got physical with someone

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here in America, his ass would be in jail that some of that third-world bull s__t if he want to fight join putten war my bag only men go to war boy push women :-1:t4: around

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:rage: I have not figured out which one that is but it better not have been with one of the girls

I think that Vh closed the apartment because we are not allowed to see what is happening, Doglas pulled one girl out into the loggia because she was hyperventilating and here she was slapped in the face.

What about Lay ?

Pleasssssse stop with, “if it was America, his ass been in Jail, and it’s some third-world s__t.”

America doesn’t even have proper healthcare - full of maniacs running about k__ling innocent people, tons of human trafficking and domestic violence.

America ain’t no different than any other country, plagued with the same issues, so get to hell outta here wid the foolishness!


While I primarily agree with you, that is not a conversation topic I want to talk about on a porn forum :rofl:

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I just needed to check that bulls__t! He/She can let that marinate.

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Why is the Kortny & Douglas apartment no more?

scrollllllllll UP!

She got mad at Douglas, and started arguing with him and then it was shut down.

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Not the first time he did that. He beat Kortny in the face before…

Ok so why is he not in jail already :rage:

Destroy Diary Of A Mad Black Woman GIF by Bounce

Fuck Jail!

I said what I said I’m not taking it back this is the first and last reply I will not get on here like a Lil Gail an go back and forth with no one that’s kid s__t :v:t4:

You don’t need to take fuck all back - I am letting you know, don’t come up in here throwing stones when you live in a glass house, and also to let you know the USA ain’t BEEEEEEEEP!

Because of jealousy


Because she want Chyna :joy: