
1:15… took less then a minut

I think the _____ing made the party end early

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We have to keep Mr Jabs entertained in case he falls as___p with boredom just like i did for near one hour . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I indeed fell as___p some hours ago. :joy:

funny i knew that :rofl:

PUKE-CAM once again , the one under the covers Lola Lyle has gone home and the cat has a comfy bed for the night , the stray cat in still in the guest room or was , only two bottles of wine each tonight . shahs of sunset _____ing GIF by RealityTVGIFs

Really? During that party?


Big Brother Reaction GIF by Big Brother After Dark

It was a party but not as we no it Mr Spock :upside_down_face:

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Main bedroom Sabrina in the middle , i hear Stef payed her a small fee so Scott would not pound her ass for another hour or more tonight :smiley:

catch up Mr Jabbs that took you near 8 mins :rofl:

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CAT CAM its watching the rabbit in its cage it abandoned the _____ females because of the wine fumes . :upside_down_face:

26 posts were merged into an existing topic: Personal problems between people

CAT_CAM Hi im the local stray moggy they have put me in the guest room but today they have left the door open , so soon im going to get courage to go down stairs and beat the hell out of the house cat & eat all its food then become the dominant fur ball in this abode . :upside_down_face:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Personal problems between people

Finally some action here in the desert apartment! Who are the girls? Lyla and …? Please tell me!

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Zora. And there was no action. The girls did not even get completely naked. Just stupid teasing.

Thank you! Thank you! Just what I’ve been missing and longing for! May they do it again some rainy day! Scott and Lyla on Jun 18!

CAT -CAM cam8 hi im the local stray , i ran away from home because my old owners sent me to the vets for a haircut &now im naked ,its made me a little shy also as its coming winter soon its cold , first job today is to get some courage & knock hell out of the house cat but he keeps hiding under things, my new owners have at last left me food & a poop tray , which kinda spoils the fun of peeing & s__tting everywhere and blaming the house cat. thats it for now wait for the fight . :upside_down_face:

CAT-CAM cam8 just in case you thinks the frog is going mad im hidden under that leopard cover and cushion its cold being naked. :upside_down_face: