
I understand what you are getting at, but I cannot watch certain behaviors and consider them normal, which they are not in my opinion. The minimum that is required is a serious conversation with some guests in certain situations, these cases, would not happen in other situations I guarantee

For those who criticize me, I remind you that I have only seen 2 cases so far, and not everything as I have seen said around here.

I dont criticizing no one. And sometimes things come close to home for me too. but sometimes if i see how people react i stop the discussion its better that way. Because you know your going nowhere. You know what i mean?

understand what you are getting at, but I donā€™t consider certain behaviors in some situations normal because they are not, I ask, for those who criticize me, if it was your girlfriend, or special friend would you also do that that happened this last time?

Some things we see are really sad, and almost tragic, I can see that too, but is it our responsibility to fix these peopleā€™s lifes? I think not, and thatā€™s likely where we differ.

I can answer that because it never happend to me or my girlfriend. But i understand what your saying. :hugs:

Yes it is true but the least I asked the management, is to talk to the boy to avoid this last situation, is it that difficult ?

I think that with our women nobody would do this last action

Whatever you see (not talking in concrete about what may have happened here because didnā€™t watch, but in general) that you believe it may be wrong or illegal you have two steps

1st step: (and most important) send a support ticket describing the situation with photos, hour or timeline links if possible. Donā€™t assume something that you donā€™t know what may have happened but the viewer can always ask to support to investigate the situation and take their decisions from there. Itā€™s only up to them.

2nd step: as you donā€™t agree with what you saw in some situations, stop contributing with your views to that realm

As you probably already know, I have already sent a ticket to the management, with the image with the time, and explaining the situation, but you should know that too

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Why canā€™t I express an opinion now, you will censor me ?

Damm but do i need for the third time to say that:

The members of Moments Operators group are not employed by VHTV Team and do not express official position of the project itself.

I believe itā€™s not hard english to understand what it says there, you can use the same translator you use to put your posts here if it helps

How the hell should i know what you did??

OMG i give upā€¦ have fun Iā€™m such a stupid to even answer to your non senses lol

This is not the information that brought me to

The same I say

He didnā€™t say anything about you not being able to express your opinion. What Sparkles said was this:

If there are situations and happenings that you really do not approve of, you should stop watching them. When you continue to watch them you give them higher views, and higher views means more money to their apartment. You are indirectly supporting them, and encuraging them to continue. Stop watching is one of the best ways you can influence this.

I did not interpret it this way, but thank you for the explanation

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Sheā€™s a doll :heart_eyes:

Mb a doll, but the doll needs a good shampoo! lol