
Thanks for all of your feedback. Viewers tastes are different and we are trying to redirect all the reasonable feedback. While some people don’t mind it, others do. Hope for your understanding :blush:


Critics see him as a manipulator. Well, maybe, but who the hell does he manipulate? Stephie and Sabrina come and go as they please. The guests do exactly like they want. Scott can give insructions and put up signs, but still no one listens to it. He can’t control anyone, even if he wanted too.

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For me, that’s the perfect strategy. Undirected real life parties. Scott’s main problem is that he has run out of interesting party friends, and everyone he keep inviting these days are rather boring.

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I agree with you, I love real parties. But the guests here are not the good ones.

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Is she pregnant? (The blonde girl, I think.)

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Yes, Stephie is pregnant.

OMG! A girl on vhtv. Who actually cares about how she looks. Amazing!

Stephie always. :heart:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip aka the :poop:-hole

@VHTV_James ok, this is bulls__t now. This comment is directly connected to the apartment topic. Jabbath is being a power hungry prick now. This isn’t just moving comments into the right place, he is moderating the forum based on his own personal likes and dislikes. You need an independent moderator, who can be fair and objective.

i back @Jin up on this occasion he was talking about Stephie who lives in that apartment no need to be removed

Thank you! Jabbs is now moderating the forums based on his own likes and dislikes and personal problems. This forums needs an independent moderator, who works for and can speak on behalf of vhtv.

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No it was not. He is saying the same in every topic. That we are in to deep bla bla bla. Had nothing to do with Steph at all. He is steering every topic off topic on purpose. But I can move the comment to a topic where you can discuss with him when you want?

he was talking about the picture somebody posted of stephie putting her make up on

Yes I did not move that comment. It is still there.

that was the only problem i had that it actually was about stephie not trying to cause you any hassel jabbs just pointing it out

Well that comment was never moved. So all good :wink: :+1:

No, not all good. My other comment what about that girl too. Put it back!

Right there with you bud. I’m not wearing a Robin outfit though,

We need Harper or Faye back ASAP :heart_eyes: