
Agree. Just wanted to point out that it was too rude saying that about Scott. He is still trying to get everything sorted there, but it should be hard with a big place and lots of young people coming and going. I can understand him :ok_hand:

Long story short he asked not to use the blankets as people complain a lotā€¦

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Really damn. Do people think that they cuddle and s___ping without blankets. Its fucking cold there. :man_facepalming:

Sounds fair. But there is a way we can say it without viewers taking it differently He is not helping himself by doing all this shouting and barking at people

Well itā€™s his placeā€¦ So itā€™s his responsibility on who he puts inside a VH place. But guess there are other extras involved to their random presence their

The same way itā€™s VH responsibility to give attention on viewers that complains about blankets, what would follow?? clothes?? oh i guess that was already an issue for support to deal lool

I would hate to think I invited someone over and told them they couldnā€™t use the blankets lol. a poor excuse is better than none! he just needs to go. so whatā€™s blanket boy junior going to do if he canā€™t play with the girls s___ping under the blankets haha its going to get to the point people wonā€™t want to come to this place.

So Jabs is complaining not only here that girls have too many clothes. Oh boy. :innocent:

I might not make it obvious with my former reply - users complain a lot regarding their place for lots of masturbation under blankets on purpose on regular basis. We usually donā€™t fine for it but just ask to stop it. Then as Scott canā€™t control peopleā€™s hands undercover then maybe he had to ask guests not to use blankets when cuddling. Iā€™m sure he tried another ways as he looked really upset :unamused:

Hmmm Little irony here He is against people hiding under blanket but absolutely fine for him to hide inside the bathroom. We need one more camera facing the other side with a black box. Anyway - too much bitching Hope Harper comes back. She is gold.

I got it :slight_smile: And the result will be that the place canā€™t give natural moments but only moments fabricated because of cams and that isnā€™t the principle of the project. They are being conditioned on their actions and even worse is that itā€™s about guests that is being talked. Then people complain about the circus at realm7 where they do exactly what that complainers demands

For the record I never complained about people being snuggled up under blankets. I do not like sex under the blankets yes. But they were just relaxing there. I never had the idea to complain because of that. It is not always me complaining. In fact I do not complain much at all :wink: :innocent:

Scott not being the brightest candle on the cake maybe still not understood all the rules and when they apply and when not :thinking:. Letā€™s hope he wonā€™t steal Stephies blanket when she is s___ping :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well I donā€™t like both repetitive hiding on purpose and restricting normal behaviour. But I think itā€™d be much more effective to apply restrictions to ones who cause problems and not to cute newbie :innocent:

Iā€™m sorry @kaya but that s__t is absolutely crazy, when all these tickets appear for people doing things under blankets if it were me I would delete those tickets for being ridiculous. And IMO you guyā€™s shouldnā€™t be telling participants anything about those kind of events and just let them have fun the way they are meant too.
Because all you are doing is heading down a road where you are pretty much indirectly manging every move that they make, then whatā€™s next script writing. As I say sorry for the rant towards you but that is insane.

Canā€™t agree more. Bring Harper cutie back please :heart_eyes:

Bring Harper back pls :rofl: Someone make that phone call pls

Faye actually has a very bad temper. With Scott, everything is very often exaggerated on here. Whenever I read things here, and I go to check it out myself, I usually get a completely different impression. Scott isnā€™t half of the terrible man he is made out to be. But I think alot of people confuses his character with anger. He is always speaking very load and waving with his arms, but that doesnā€™t necessarily mean he is angry.

:100:% agree! :ok_hand:t3:
And the worst is that itā€™s the people who claim they donā€™t even watch this place that complains the most.

I agree, I think Scottā€™s bark is bigger than his bite. He is quite animated and he is naturally loud, but I think that he is generally tolerant of these kids, who often party on for hours while he is upstairs, and he pretty much leaves them to it.

Yes, everytime I see Scott is like he is angry, sometimes looks like he is screaming. But I (still) cant understand russian, and that can make it confusing. I think itā€™s just his temperament. Anyway, he has a bad business strategy, his ideas are just to bring young boys and girls (around 20s) to give them a place for their parties. Maybe that give him viewers and even money, but this place not give quality content to VHTV.