
If the contestants are hiding, the solution is to add cameras … How sad y pathetic.

Another record which could be set, how long does the washing stay in the machine. image

One day the machine will move out of the bathroom :joy:

If you look at when the machine was switched on and now, it has moved.

They need to put it on an anti vibration mat

it probably hasn’t been levelled up properly when installed?

I guess as long the drama queen is visiting we won’t be seeing any beautiful guest such as Harper :frowning: because she’s too damn jealous! And it seems weird we lost that lack of time and she disappeared! was she kicked out like Briana?

La gente reclama por todo ahora por cuanto tiempo lavan la ropa, si la sacan de la lavadora o no :rage: vivan sus vidas ustedes no les pagan la electricidad ni el agua, tampoco les compran la ropa y el detergente es tan m____to ver tantos comentarios quejándose por todo.

We are not complaining, just saying things as they happen. You do get this is a forum and people have fun, right.

Can we settle this with a poop poll? Not that I particularly care but some people might take a while/enjoy the solitude (soliturd?). Personally I’m a 5 minute in/out/shower guy, but that’s me and my diet of mostly meat, tomatoes and chilli.

Also who was the blonde that got Ben into trouble with Faye? Could do with more of her.

Let’s hope the poll will have at least 2 options to choose from :innocent:

Un foro para comentar lo que sucede pero me parece un poco ridículo preocuparse hasta por una mancha en la pared, osea si son quejas por hablan del agua que se gasta mucho que la electricidad se gasta mucho y luego cuando hay sexo a oscuras se quejan de la luz que es mala, osea son muchas quejas.

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And as a cherry on the top they even complain about complaints. It’s outrageous. We evolved into homo complainius

As per this example, a complaint about complaints of complaints, When will it ever stop :rofl:

Sexy Harper is back.


Harper reminds me of Romina. The wild one who was with Herman the Great.

It never will, you will always have serial complainers who i think live to complain. One of the worst complainers on here is one of the moment operators :rofl: No names of course :rofl:

looks like Harper is moving in.lots of hugs and greeting from everyone And all of her things were brought in my junior. Her smile and genuine sense of humor is good for this place And creeper Jr will think so .he will have a undercover angel :innocent:

Can’t Junior move out when she moves in? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s the only thing moving out of the bathroom. Scott is still in there and not moving… :joy: :rofl: