
Their choice is to avoid the images, and cover the camera, which is what happened in practice, worthy of big brother

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my opinion is that if all apartments can hide during sex VHTV stops then only a few will watch


My point is not that they should hide. If they do it regularly they will loose viewers and not be able to support their apartment. There are plenty of other realms that don’t hide and if everyone goes and watches those, they will be the successful ones. Other than maintaining a certain level of viewership for their own financial success, the only obligation the participants should have is to live their lives and not be abusive to one another. They can not and should not be f___ed to do anything they don’t want to


Every participant is not f___ed to do that and if they get involvedin in something like that they actually have to know what to expect

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wie das aussieht wird diese Wohnung immer noch zwischendurch untervermietet.

This is just rude and insulting to Katori, no matter what you think of her.


I disagree, Katori is different from what she was before, I reaffirm what I said, that’s a fact, everyone interprets it however they want

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The last 23 postings are all about Carlo’s presentation of his opinion.
We all know this opinion well enough by now. Not just from this thread, but from several others too.

It’s getting really tiring to read all these annoying comments all over the place about the same thing over and over again.

:rage: :rage: :rage:


you also do the same, criticizing me


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I made a post praising images, of Flora, Mustafa, Cydea, for example, but that doesn’t matter, only my criticisms matter

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You criticize almost everyone, and almost everyone criticize you (I deliberately ignore the very few exceptions where you don’t express yourself in a derogatory way. Because at the latest in the next night photo you will tear down with your butt what you had laboriously built with your hands).
Why should we allow one opinion to be worth more than the opinion of the majority? Democratically speaking, you’re out of luck. That doesn’t mean that you have to change your mind, it doesn’t even mean you can’t express your opinion anymore. but it definitely means that you have to live with the headwind. whether you like it or not


have never criticized anything that users/moderators say on the forum, I only respond when targeted, simple



there are 2 possibilities: either you look at it or you don’t. The residents have to know whether they want to earn money or not. And you should be able to express your opinion if it is correct, even though the majority may think otherwise

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You could also look at it this way: So you only criticize people who can’t defend themselves, like Katori? And then you complain when others don’t accept it?

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I answer when I’m asked directly, otherwise I don’t, I haven’t blocked anyone, so that question doesn’t apply

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Katori - #479 by carlos

Nobody asked you anything, nobody posted a picture.
Nevertheless, there is criticism that the forum doesn’t need because everyone can see for themselves whether they like this apartment or not.


Nobody asked you anything either, and you make comments anyway


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Maybe people are sick of you complaining all the time just enjoy what you get like we all have to


When I post with this sign, :fire: or this :+1: one for example, no one sees it, but if some are tired, don’t waste your valuable time reading what I write


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Makes no difference whether she is different.

And, it’s not a matter of interpretation. Your comment was full of outright disrespect and scorn, and that’s insulting.

Just so there’s no misunderstanding:

Insult - disrespectful or scornfully abusive

Scorn - feel or express contempt or derision for

And, of course, you’ll say it was your opinion, but that doesn’t make it any less disrespectful and insulting.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one, but a LOT of them should never be expressed on this forum.