
Looks like Jules is packing up the remains of her stuff to take to her.

Hope he doesnā€™t forget the mask she used to protect her identity cause she knew the sex would be recorded and stored forever. Now she can say, thatā€™s not me.

Will George ever make an appearance at one of his places again? Iā€™m fairly certain folk are missing hating on him. :rofl:

Hey @Jules, weā€™re adding participants pets to the participants of VHTV wiki forum, and we were wondering if you still have your reptile friend with you. If so, what should we list its name as? Weā€™re assuming you only have (or had} one, but if you still have your friend with you, is it possible you could post a photo of it to add to the wiki? No problem if you think this is trivial and too much trouble. Just thought Iā€™d ask anyway. Thanks, and have a good evening, squire. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

You have to tag him. @Jules :wink:

Crap. I blame man flu. Canā€™t brain today. :mask:

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Her stuff yeah. Donā€™t think Jules puts this on. She will be missed.

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip aka the :poop:-hole

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip aka the :poop:-hole

marshmallow (if white, before shedding its skin) or shrimp (if pink, after shedding its skin)

arhg, how the fck iā€™m supposed to upload the photo?

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Then there are two? Would it be possible for you to post photos at all? And thank you for the response. :grinning:

I think itā€™s one but he mutate colors


Only if it mutate the species also :smiley: was some type of lizard, a gekko maybe

I think Gekko can also change colorsā€¦

No :yum: when a snake is shedding it changes color.

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Really? I always thought it will have same colors after it

Snakes also shed their skinā€¦NOT JUST lizards. Technically not a mutation, just a natural occurrence that happens regularly in the life cycleā€¦just like it does with birds. The process known as moulting.

Only when Shedding its changes color. after heā€™s has the color he had before shedding. :thinking:

Ok mister nature boy nice going. :yum: