
Welcome Vincent & Jovanna :sparkling_heart:

2024-01-11: Vincents name removed


Is she the girl from Vegas and Winter friends?

I have to check. I do not follow these places

Did not find any girl among Vegas or Winters guests with matching tattoos.

Yes, that’s them indeed. Only that the girl name changed from Yvonna to Jovanna and the boy was Vincente

So the guy had a different name before too?

Just an e on the end, was Vincente before, maybe they change it here as well to be easier

Yes, and she was a guest in winter’s apartment…

Only listed as guest in Vegas place.

They both been long time guests at Vegas, way before Winter got her apartment

so good to see members on the ball , or should we call them b___dy know alls :zipper_mouth_face:

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yes you’re right I got a little confused :pray:then I still have to figure out why vhtv changes the names of the guests when they have their own apartment…

you are right my mistake…(the fact that vhtv changes the names confuses me)…

Why cant these people just keep the same names?? I don’t get it.


Yes, i can’t get it either. Especially when they are not new. They first came at Vegas in November last year and also there are 5 pages with them saved in the archive. Doesn’t make any sense at all to change the name

They mess up our brains…

But that’s not the same guy she was messing with

Off course it is the same guy. This is Vincent (e)

Okay I thought it was the other guy because he at the time was the only one there

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Well it is easier to adjust the names than discussing about that. I already did it :wink: