Jirina (Part 1)

Why else would they rub her belly, because of the stupid pregnancy jokes

yes, they read and enjoy our comments

Well that’s about about 70% of the Indira fan club. :sob: Dont worry though they get pretty upset if they think anyone is being mean to their princess. :wink:

да ладно этим меня не обидить

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you are truly professional. i like your approach.

LOL I wasnt trying to offend you. I’m on team Tejo! :partying_face: However if you would like me to say something to offend you. I’m sure I could rise to the occasion. :crazy_face:

action time now

I bet today April 1, will just be another day lol

я не имею в веду вас :grin:я просто в целом имею в веду меня очень сложно обидить тем боле людям которые в принципе не понимают о чем мы говорим и просто каждый говорит что ему хотелось бы видить на самом деле ))) но открою тайну мы просто живем как нам нравится ))))а то что ты друг с моей команды это очень приятно услышать я и не знал что у меня есть команда :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_closed_eyes:


Ok here is my attempt to offend you haha. Kostja is way better at smoking cigarettes than you. He also is way better at fucking. He fucks circles around you. You would fall over from exhaustion before you even came close to reaching the level of his advance fucking sk__ls!

How did I do are you offend now? :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:

You forgot toi mention he has a small dick! :laughing:

and soft too in fully turn on mood

да командир :slight_smile:

I was trying to offend Tejo but it has to be at least a little reasonable. If I said that he had a small dick he could just take a pic of his dick and post it to the forum as proof that it is not. Are you trying to get Tejo to post dick pics on here for your own twisted fantasies? :see_no_evil: :upside_down_face: :rofl:

seems Geronimo successfully offend you. in English there is a phrase for it Bitter taste of your own medicine

Now now don’t start something, I’ll be off leaving you two to it for a second time! :laughing:

before you good night from Poland. have fun just fooling and not attempt to provoke seth. bye you all

не плохая попиткм :joy: а вот насчет маленького члена могло бы и сработать :grin::sweat_smile:

Haha is this a joke?? I think your translator may be broken. :crazy_face: I thought what Gernimo said was funny. Geronimo and are friends.(I think :sweat_smile:)

очень рад был с вами пообщаться но я очень хочу спать ))) всем сладких сновидений и доброй ночи :kissing_closed_eyes::kiss:

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