Jirina (Part 1)

how about Voyeur baby ?

looks like honey is getting back in play mood.

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Miklostja, or does that have too less Tejo in it?? :rofl: :rofl:

Miklosteja :joy:


although Troy is quite a while ago. Hadn’t he gotten s__tfaced last visit, he would probably be in consideration. :rofl: :rofl:

one could have thought, they just read it:

today i don’t have narrator but what little I understand they are talking about s___pover and saying a bad weather effect ? someone russian here ??

I’d say based on today’s activities, no ones moving

So he is going out alone as Indira refuse to go ?

I went for a smoke and she is dressed now.

But not party dress.

She is sick and / or pregnant. We should give her a break :wink:

Ah so she get sick leave from kostja today. Poor Indira!!

Everyone should be home soon.

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Didn’t marica come home

я и не соберался ни чего ни кому доказывать )) и форум не читаю постоянно только когда есть время ) я говорю то что я знаю по факту )) а то что ребята смотрели фильм я их зостовлять пойти спать не имею право )) так что мой очень вежливый друг хорошего ностраения вам )))


Actually, jest or not, I think it’s a great idea!!! Not sure how VHTV could pull it off, though. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Jabbatha :laughing: assuming it is a girl!

they are enjoying our comments :rofl:

Love you all four of you @TejoJirina hope we will see more passionate sexual activity from you people

я тоже вас люблю ребят ))) без исключения даже тех кто меня откровенно ненавидит :crazy_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kiss::kiss: