Jirina (Part 1)

great look just for fan club

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If Indira is pregnant, that means she leaves the program, Do they know who’s the daddy?

I have not noticed much condom usage!

She could choose to have an abortion.

Is that safe in Russia?

Tejo of course :rofl:

I assume that woman there have that option.


28/06/2008 · More abortions are recorded in Russia than live births. The situation has improved since Soviet times, when women terminated seven pregnancies on average during their lifetimes.

No I think it’s you! :joy: :laughing:

What would Jirina think of that?

some smiles for Eddie


As for me, I’m still stuck between the trenches in this everlasting battle of wits and what, but she has a lovely smile :smile:

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It’ll hardly be Kostja,

he sqirts on her butt and all over her, but not or barely ever inside:

may be that makes her butt grow so enormous. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Thank you, These are all very nice but my favorite was about 2 days ago, look image I dare you!

:innocent: :kissing_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

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He’s a sensible lad, who wants to be saddled with a kid at his age?

This is an odd way of s___ping together, but at least they are together

And from that she won’t be pregnant​:joy::joy:

When your lover is sick, you always stay close to her, one way or another

I couldn’t be too sure of that, there is still the precum that escapes during the act but before orgasm.

With us they have a spell Before singing out of the church, but the organ continues to play :joy:

Any names for the baby? :stuck_out_tongue: