Jirina (Part 1)

Yes, Even Palmer seemed to be passing the word, Although I still do not understand his place in the group!

I think I saw him in the background of one of the Maren Videos in the archive, but still doing nothing!

Did you expect anything less from people who post pictures of when Indira or Kostja open or close a door?? :see_no_evil: :joy:

I&K in slacks and Indira in Kostja’s sweater.

I think they stay home and do what they can.

Can be wrong though.

If Indira is really ill, she could go to a party sneeze constantly and spread the germs,

and thus eliminate the whole Henri-clan for a weeks time. LOL

looks like the other three are going out:

If Covid did show up in their group, Could Henry survive the lock-down period?

Wow you summoned up about 4000+ posts in a couple of sentences. :clap: :clap: :clap: Ya, ya, of those 4000 mentioned posts 1000 of them are probably mine. :sweat_smile: :crazy_face:

Definitely at M&H, S&M already there!

Can Shana cock-block Viva and Marica from Mikl?

The most amusing useful addition to this realm would be viewer participation and viewers would vote on who goes with who and who has an argument with such and such. :wink:

And as a wild card, when things get a bit slow, we could release the ‘Elon’ to embarrass all the participating guys. :laughing: :laughing:

Disclaimer: All the above is said in jest, and I would kindly request that people not get triggered by it.

Does this look like Henry is tracking the ratings?

@anon31605929 has returned to this thread. Our prayers have been answered. Soon he will bring peace to this divided land of ours! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

Tina Fey Happy Dance GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Maybe Henry can take care of marica for shana

Looks more like Cryptocurrency or minuteshares to me as the graph doesn’t equate to the timeline of events in his realm. :slight_smile:

Right now, the two sexiest dressed are marica and mira

That is perfectly normal!

Actually, Mira, Marica and Jirina are all dressed like for a year 1900 Parisian brothel. Shana, is in regular street clothes. May be she did not get the memo

Kind of wish Kostja would put the marshmallows away, Indira does not need anymore filling!

Can mikl resist, if marica makes her move

Moi je pense qu’ils font ce qu’ils VEULENT !

What, when did they do this I missed it… S#it…

Are you joking, Mikls cock would probably explode!

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