Jirina (Part 1)

Or at least scare the F out of them… :rofl:

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ça peut être aussi le cours de la bourse, le cours du pétrole ou du gaz russe !!!
Mais si c’est le taux de fréquentation de JTIK on voit bien la semmaine où I&K étaient en vacances :laughing:

I found Jabs updating contents on VHTV, creating topics and trying to stir it to attract users. His name hold moment operator tag that means he certainly belongs to VHTV organiser club so he is someone service provider and every single viewer is service receiver. In my terminology this relationship is called service provider and customer, That’s why he belong to customer support system. And yes even as service provider he has every right to comment here but I don’t see why he found it difficult to put his view nicely rather than rude manner.

Ahhh I see the master of deception. You just put that disclaimer in there to cover your Arse. When you really mean every word. :joy: :rofl:

Looks that way to me also.

That’s purely an opinion isn’t it and you can twist it as much as you like if it fits your narrative - and I repeat, if you perceive this as rude and it affects your sensitivities then that is your issue to deal with not his as he certainly wasn’t rude. :wink: :roll_eyes:

Anyway, no point carrying on this here as it is completely offtopic and happy to carry it on through PM so as not to litter the forum with our posts. :slight_smile:

You have to care for the flowers. :laughing:

May Jabbs is just jealous, wishes he could join the Palmer, Debby and Paul society so that he can play with some of the pussy, instead of just looking at it!

Bon je pensias comme Indira est malade, les capacitees seront limités.

A cote de ca, t’as raison,

ce que Indira veut. :rofl: :rofl:

its not with sensitiveness its with customer right related issue. May be VHTV take another 5 year to be fully professional in business. Be remember what ever the business your nice behaviour attract customer while a little wrong behaviour destroy quickly any type of professional relationship.

Listen, he is not affiliated with VHTV, he is not paid by them, he is a long term respected poster who has been given the earned responsibility to help users as well as general things on the forum as we are all equal here. When I join a forum I start to learn about the members and the rules and roles within a forum before basing my views and opinions on people as otherwise I just make myself look foolish,I would kindly suggest you do the same. :slight_smile:

He made a very valid point that a lot of what was being posted was purely supposition based on a user’s point of view without any fact to back it up and users including yourself took offence to that. Some of the posts have been directed toward participants, which is totally wrong as it is not our right nor obligation to demand anything from them as we are simply viewers, and do not have there right to direct their lives at all.

As I said, this is the last I say on this as I do not want to clutter this thread with irrelevant posts which can be voiced by PM.

@Noah189364 I have sent you a PM :slight_smile:

Hey Edd,

I don’t want to hurt your feelings.

I answered on your post about Karen, and I respect your flash-back.

I marked my post as a joke, so please don’t be upset ok.

I told you my part, as of what I think of Indira.

She is most lovely and the way she fools around with Kostja is freshening ones heart.

Her smile is delighting, and the last place I would have looked for her or equal is VHTV.

But let’s not mix up things.

I came to VHTV to see sex. I’m honest. And I bet you don’t switch channels when Indira gets naked or busy (??)

So please don’t take it wrong, that I wrote you’re not only here to see her smile.

Otherwise, it’d have to brake your heart to see her in this environment.

As i am new here i may consider you are saying true he is just user here but i have a quick question for you. how he come to know who is leaving the project who is joining the project in which realm time to time ? the matter between me and jabs is closed already it is you who commented on my post and i found some time to respond you. I don’t check many realm except few and what i found this is one of few forum where people alive rest forums is pretty dead. Most of the realm participant are fucking each others but their apartment discussion sections seems dead. Anyone can check it with most of the apartments.

It will be Friday :stuck_out_tongue:

I like transparency and discussion in public forums so I like to discuss any issue here only. If I have a specific question for you I will PM you. thanks

and it will be april 1st.

And I will be fooled again. Damned, they get me every year :worried:

All the forthcoming year’s participants in Henry’s realm would seem to be gathered at H&M. I suspect that those not there are out…I&K , T&S …have I missed anyone?

Since there is always fooling in this chat, everything will be just business as usual. :imp: :rofl:

She gets more and more a pale face :cold_sweat:

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