Jirina (Part 1)

It sounds as though Jirina has been spreading her germs to Indira.

it looks like Troy has found an Indira look-alike replacement

Visiting first time. A bit early to name her that I think…

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If time comes to name that new Troy finding, given she is an Indira look-alike I would call her Ghandi :slight_smile:

Ahahaha but that is not a name for a girl really

Ghandi is an Indian last name

Indira is also an Indian girl name

Indira Ghandi was a well know prime minister of India :slight_smile:

you could call her Shanti - another India name

Or Krishna

I know that. And I got your joke :wink: So giving a last name as first name is not an option.

Like the first one :+1:

hey, I had to throw it out there :slight_smile:

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but whatever you name her, I would recommend an Indian name

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I see they’ve reclaimed their bed

I think last night was the first time that they had slept in a real bed since Jan 5/6 when T&S were on vacation.

I think some really listen to what is being said in the realm by the participants as well. That becomes a topic of discussion. Some people her are try Voyeurs as well and want to see more than just sex. Just something to think about.

It’s almost, supper time, and indira wants her foot long sausage lol

OK Kade, let me express my feelings one more time.

Yes I like the love-pussy, but there is nothing that can match the facial expression of a girl in love and being the guy to receive the love-face is better than any orgasm I ever experienced.

It has been a very special privilege to observe it on Indiras face and remember my time with my beloved Karen

Perhaps, You have never known such love, for which I am most sorry that you have missed out on that feeling, and pray that you may still find that in your life! :kissing: :kissing_heart: :heart_eyes: :joy:

Foot long ? - Kostjia cannot provide a foot long. Trejo can provide Kielbasa size but it will be short of a foot. Unless you are discussing the purple-orange monster…

Elisha is still around but she met and became attached to Karel, and now only appears occasionally at parties, and she is much less active sexually with others.

I know the look. That look is not for everybody, it is reserved only for those we are crazy about. This is the look of love Kostja gets daily from Indira.

There is one problem though. Unlike any other woman on VH, back in December/January time frame Indira was able to deliver that same look to anyone she fucked with. Mira when she fucks any guy, including Henri, never has that look of love. Passion and sexual hunger yes, not love.

The same is true of Shana and all of the other women here. I am convinced that that look is what made so many wish they could see it again, with Tejo, with Mikl and with anyone else. In some ways the fact that she delivered that look to so many became a source of trouble.

She looks very young.