Jirina (Part 1)

No I am not, I think you have me confused with Carlos :laughing:

[quote=“Lucious169237, post:10831, topic:14718, full:true”] Everybody’s entitled to their opinion,. I just gave you mine. [/quote]

For a minute I was thinking that you didn’t want a certain group of individuals expressing their opinion about how they see things, although you rightly say “Everybody’s entitled to their opinion,. I just gave you mine.”

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I don’t think he actuall is saying that :slight_smile:

I think what he is trying to say is to keep things in proportion because sometimes people get a little bit too obsessed, and that it’s fine, and no one is saying that is wrong :slight_smile:

But when another person has a different opinion they feel personally offended by that opposing opinion, which they shouldn’t do really, as everyone here has a right to feel, say what they want as long as they avoid personal attacks on each other. :slight_smile:


To be fair, some of the comments aimed at these “offended” individuals are either nasty, or sarcastic or are deliberately made to ridicule their comments, which naturally provokes a negative response.

Then to be fair you have the right to correct them with intelligent debate, which I know that you are more than capable of and if they don’t listen then they are just trolling and dumb and best ignored as in a quote of the learned scholar Forest Gump: ‘You can’t fix stupid’. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:

All I did was to poke them to show some evidence for the pure assumptions they make :rofl:

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You see that b___dy troll above. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Which I do as Jabbs is well aware of! :laughing:

ты вежлив конечно очень ))) это весьма похвально :clap:но скажу что я и Джирина К&И отдали свою постель еще в начале вечера

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I shouldn’t bite Tejo, there will be haters everywhere sadly. Almost all of it is down to misunderstanding and interpretation on their part and by the way nice to meet you. :slight_smile:

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[quote=“ukpolska, post:10842, topic:14718, full:true”] there will be haters everywhere sadly.[/quote]

The point I was making earlier.

In the last week or so kostja has handled the parties perfectly, and i don’t believe he feels threatened, as seen by him not reacting and enjoying the party, even when lenny put his arm around indira. I think he’s getting it, that she’s not going to take these friends of Henry to bed, and she plays the tease for them. They both believe in their love, and for now their only 4 somes are with mikl and shana, and tejo and jirina. If they become close with a younger couple in the future, it’ll be better.

What is interesting is how K & I evolved. Back in January/February. we used to discuss how Kostjia needs to learn to function in this environment. How being in a real foursome with another couple they trust may be helpful. Now that K& I started getting in such swaps, I notice two things. Indira, who back in January had no problem with joining an orgy is a lot more emotional about it in a negative way. Example was the swap with Mikl and Shana. Effectively Mkl and her could have gone on fucking for another 20 minutes easily, and she would be looking delighted, the way it was on the M&M couch orgy. Here, Indira stopped it, distraught. Kostjia was still not ready for prime time. After about 10 minutes he was done, and did not look happy. This week, with Tejo and Jirina, Kostjia invited Tejo. Indira never had that delighted smile when fucked by Tejo. She kept holding tight ot Kostja’s arm. Later that night there were tears. Never mind what the moment operator claims that no one is made to do things. I know what I heard Indira say, in dread. that they want to see fucking for 20 minutes. It was fucking with Kostjia. There was the dread on Indira’s part regarding Kostjia trusting her if he see her fucking someone. But Kostjia, this week with Tejo and Jirina was totally relaxed and in control. That means the Indira has evolved emotionally away from fucking anyone but Kostjia, while Kostjia has gotten used to the idea that his Indira will get fucked by others.

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I see Troy and savannah and Henry and Mira as possible couples for foursomes or double one on ones in addition to t&j and m&s

I think we should add to the posts above just to be fair and balanced, that all this is supposition on our part and open to interpretation. :+1: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

None of us know what is being said nor the real reasons behind everything as it has been proven many times that what we see has been misinterpreted. :+1: :wink:

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Hear, hear!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Oh, yeah, sorry about that.

I think as long as they aren’t in different rooms I can see them able to fuck others, they just need to be in the same room for that emotional connection

Troy and Savannah, sure. As a matter of fact K &I were at T &S and it looked like things were heading that way, but then Troy fell as___p.

I do not see Henri & Mira as the right partners. The first reason is the great age difference. It is different when you have one of those general orgies where a dozen people participate.

That is one thing Indira kept insisting on in one of the intimate conversations with Kostjia, that she will not fuck anyone without him being right there.

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