Jirina (Part 1)

Here are a couple of shots for the big girl fans!

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Truer words never spoken… If it is spoken publicly… it’s public… period. Self appointed censors are annoying… as long as their names and location are not revealed.

Indira big bottom. I like thank you.:heart_eyes:

Jirina in Jirina mode lol…


I always try to catch the beautiful Indira love face!

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Here we go…

Well done…

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You can’t tell the difference between Indira and jirina, c can you

Indira big girl married to Kostja. Jirina medium big girl married to Tejo.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Indira has long black hair, nice figure, dating. Kostja. Jirina big girl on couch married to tejo

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I don’t think so,

we don’t know which number of viewers are to which realm,

we can only see, if at one moment the realm has the most visitors, but that doesn’t tell the total number for a longer timeperiod.

Plus, the views are not all generated by the participants in one appartment, they are also result
of groups of visitors in changing combination, with different activities. Visitors that fuck in a realm create a lot more visitors/viewers, than someone who shows up, talks two minutes/or hours and leaves, unless it is someone, from which viewers expect/hope some sexual activities.

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If this was their major concern, I’d believe, they wouldn’t use real names in front of cameras.
Plus the first names as A****A are used a million times in Russia, no indicator to locate them.

And yes, I totally agree.

The participants know, they are in a public environment, and whatever they give up on information about themselves, can not be considered private anymore.

That would be different, would they not know about the cameras, or the time when they are on/ offline.


you are here for the love-pussy.

And if you do not admitt,

you’re a liar liar pants on fire. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I haven’t seen Elisha for a long time.

Did she go away? Is she in conflict with the group? Baned? Or didn’t I watch well?

  1. Jabs isn’t customer support and has the right to his opinion as a poster the same as anyone else. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  2. If it hurts your sensitivities then surely that’s not his problem that is yours. :wink:

That’s the problem with this place in that everyone dares say anything in here that the fans don’t like they all get their knickers in a twist and get all overly protective towards people they are never going to meet in their life nor have any influence over.

People sometimes get far too overly personalised into the lives of these people, especially when it comes to Indira. :roll_eyes: :laughing: :laughing:


Location seems a real obsession.

Most of realm are located in countries kown for their high level of democracy such as Belarus, xxxxthan,… :upside_down_face:

We can understand their participants could get in trouble with autorities. For VHTV connexion with these realms and this forum as well.

Maybe viewers should focus on sex scenes instead the place where they are.

250 posts overnight and yest absolutely nothing interesting happened- unbelievable.

I totally agree with you, ukpolska!!! Even when I was here before, a couple of months ago, this same sort of what I call “fan drama” was going on -some of us seem to be forgetting an important fact - these people we are watching are getting paid to have as many as 12 or more cameras all over their apartments so we, their customers, can watch them fuck, suck, have orgies, in between working in the daytime and eating and s___ping at night. They volunteered for this because, for whatever reason, they enjoy having anonymous strangers watching them. Fans seem to get carried away with their overprotectiveness and sensitivity, and tend to imagine that certain couples are in love and their love is being tested by this living situation. Except for the few monogamous couples, like Timothy and Kristykrebs, I don’t see any real “love” between any of these people - but I do see a lot of petty jealousy and obsessiveness (Eliot and Tessa, Ken and Barbie, Dimitri and Katerina, are a few that come to mind).

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Plus, as for the stuff about Indira and Kostja being so in love this situation could tear them apart - a few nights ago I believe I sawTejo hitting on Indira with Kostja in the room, and there is a video in the archive from about a month ago that was recorded and Mira and Henry’s, with Henry, Tejo, Miki and Kostja all having various sexual activity with Indira on Henry’s bed. I am a hardcore voyeur - I love to watch other people having sex, and if they are enjoying themselves, that turns me on - and if they know I and countless others are watching while they have sex, that turns me on even more, because I know it turns them on to have other people watching them. I’ll never meet any of these people, so outside of common human decency (such as wishing the best for those in harm’s way in the Ukraine), I couldn’t care less whether they are in love, whether they split up, whether they have jealousy issues, whether they are unfaithful, whether they fuck just one person or 20 in a single night - it just doesn’t concern me.

So in short you don’t see a reason for having a forum?

I didn’t say that. Everybody’s entitled to their opinion,. I just gave you mine. Aren’t you the dude that kept arguing a while back that Tessa, the fuckbunny, was shy?