Jirina (Part 1)

i can’t believe to men can sit and play this kids game for this long for no benefit at all

This is where you change it.


you can practice to believe in others sometimes without a reason

Bingo… something as simple as that…

Well threats and scares are not permitted on here my friend. I am not the sensitive type but others may not respond as well to your scare tactics.

I am not manipulating anything. I am stating there is a factory here that “could” alter the data from the norm.

I never said you can not. You or anyone else is more than entitled to their faith or fantasies.

if this is the case you chose not to ask any data statics proofs from different users. that’s logical

Geez, I’ll leave you two to it! :laughing:

C’mon man, breathe…

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I am sure I am up there with the posters yes. But I honestly don’t watch their realm more than the other realms I follow. Haha and I definitely am not shedding any tears over them. I am slightly more than indifferent to them at best.

I’m having fun my guy, but I do appreciate your concern.

I Love You Reaction GIF by Originals

It has already been said she was going to school. She just has not gone for some time as I can see. She seems to be staying at home with Kostja. As far as the other thing you stated why would she stay with him if she feels like he is making her share?

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This guy Tejo wonts us to believe what a great considered human being he is so now he is playing monopoly till 4 o’clock in the morning on K&I s___ping couch and they have to wait in the kitchen for him to stop so they can go to s___p

Tejo you are a totally inconsidered selfish bastards and Jirina does not tell her pinhead husband to stop playing or move the game to the kitchen.

I get the feeling that you may be doing it in purpose

If you wonder why some viewers feel the way they do about you two, this is good exaple and you can read my previous posts again to refresh your memory

I am sure you have proof for that?

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Show me the facts? So far you showed nothing but assumptions…

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Why do you have to belittle the participants like this? I am sure there was a slightly nicer way to say that without name calling.

i am new don’t know much thing about her or other participants but I came to know few thing yesterday when she broke down in tears and kostja had a conversation with her.

These are the facts they are using now…

This is getting ridiculous here. I am off to bed. Let the fanboys have their fun :joy:

good night all. Keep posting i will read few when i have time

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