Jirina (Part 1)

he said yesterday, that he is full pay, probably same situation as with Mitchel, who says is paying and the icon not marked.

you looking at the comments you know you and tejo not what everone watching

and viewers comes here for entertainment everything else comes second. If someone find entertainment in I and K love affairs why VHTV moment operator just not accept it.

Tejo or Jirina and often both are away from the apartment. Yet this apartment has one of the highest viewership of all 50 apartments. So please, some one, convince me that all this viewership is for J & T

Well when half of those 10,000 post are made by 5 people that statistic becomes far less impressive.

Comment activity does not always equal viewing numbers. Because comment activity has been skewed here due to a select few users posting far more than the average VHTV user. The comment activity on this thread will not corollate to views earned like it would in other realms.

I feel a consistent bias by the moment operator against K & I - yet the facts speak for themselves: viewership. Where is the evidence that J & T are drawing all these viewers ? Facts. please.

Now you are denying the data :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Did Viva get any action tonight? I missed it if she did!

If that is the case can you kindly put on your user flair to show you are a paid user please.

With any statistics you have to make allowances for other factors, but I doubt it will change the outcome, at least in the case of this apartment.

Our dear moment operator sounds like one of the Hard sex just want Indira fucked team!

He shouldn’t have to, that;s why it’s called a preference! :laughing:

I am not denying anything. I am stating that when there is an abnormal outlier such as a small number of users commenting far more than the average VHTV user it will alter the data form the norm. Those are facts that would pertain to anything not just this forum.

Same can be apply with any of your presenting data. I have fucking good grades in statistics analysis/

He doesn’t have you are correct. That is why I nicely asked him to. If he is not willing to, I am entitled to my opinion that he is lying and is a free user. Which is a common thing many free users do.

Not sure if it’s a preference or just have subscribed the forum with a different email account that he uses to subscribe VHTV

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Oh boy did I make you angry? :joy: :joy: :joy: Why are you swearing at me and trying to flex that you have good grades in statistics.

wait i will check if she get from Mikl

just to scare you :rofl: :rofl: that you don’t dare to manipulate data and impose your own mere speculation.

Are you including yourself in that 5 users?? Cause surely you are in top posters of this realm, and almost all crying about people liking I&K :joy:

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