Jirina (Part 1)

They would fit in perfectly in this realm of make believe and fantasy… :rofl: :rofl:

I do not know if such a separation will happen. At this point, given that we ae at the end of March, if I had to guess I would say that it is not likely to happen. The important thing is that they are living with lots of stress. If you were to listen to Indira’s voice in that H&M bedroom two days ago, without understanding one word of what is being said, you would understand that Indira is worried and not in a happy state. The long conversation with Mikl yesterday reinf___es the idea that she has concerns. Her concerns are not if she loves Kostjia. That is a given. Once again on that H&M bed, Indira was saying to Kostija that she find it hard to be without him when he is not around.

That sounds like a women madly in love with him


I understand Pixar films are looking for a new fantasy for their next cartoon comedy, and this realms stories are in the running… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I do not know what the hype is about these two. I have refused to watch them because they have become boring and routine. They s___p, wake up, get ready to go out, go to a party. Kostja clings on to Indira, and will not let her go until he needs to go for a smoke. Then someone will pay attention to Indira. Next thing you will see, Kostja will go to the bathroom or bedroom to pout. They leave the party Indira is not happy about. Then once they are back home, they have sex. It is the same thing every night … BORING. Night after night.

You know, there are many more interesting rooms on here, for example Jorgen & Bella,ays something happening in that room. Ariela & Sebastian fun couple to watch plus many other room. I refuse to give the two the time of day AS most of you will say they are young couple that in love.

They should open up their own realm. Kostja can keep Indira to himself and locked her up in the apartment. She will be safe from all the bad man hands that Kostja is protecting her from… Will see how many people will watch them.

What do you suggest @Edd5512 If you want to give a thumb down. You must have the answer or have feedback for your decision

Fresh haircut and a shave… Marica was jumping up and down with joy when he got home

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Quelques réflexions personnelles, après la soirée du 24 mars chez M&S :

Il faudrait que Kostja finisse par comprendre la différence entre baiser (copuler) et faire l’amour.

Je pense qu’Indi fait clairement la différence entre les deux : pour elle, le coït n’est pas grand chose (un peu comme se goinfrer de chips), une pipe n’est rien, le pelotage moins que rien.

C’est ce qui lui a permis de subir Troy et les autres, pour obtenir le job.

Dès lors qu’elle est amoureuse (ce n’est manifestement pas pour ses qualités de baiseur qu’elle a choisi Kostja), c’est différent : Elle veut faire l’amour avec K même quand c’est un autre qui la baise.

faire l’amour c’est une sensation d’osmose mentale qui sublime les sensations physiques (les caniches ne peuvent pas imaginer ça).

Si K comprenait ça, ils (I&K) seraient les rois, le pouvoir serait à eux: le baiseur occasionnel, choisi par eux deux, ne serait qu’un sex-toy. Les possibilités en soirée (c’est à dire au boulot) deviendraient considérables.

S’il n’y parvient pas, ils ne pourront pas se maintenir encore longtemps : soit ils quitteront vhtv ensemble, soit ils se sépareront.

Dans tous les cas, à mon avis ils devraient quitter la Russie et leur mode de vie actuel, qui sont sans avenir (Mad Vlad et son gang sont nihilistes), commencer à apprendre des langues puis émigrer. Dans mon pays, par exemple, il n’y a pas de chômage pour les cuisiniers (d’accord : au début c’est dur et mal payé).

Indeed I do, I think I&K should get their own apartment completely independent of the M&H group
And I believe they would receive more views by themselves than the entire Henry group combined.

You could be 100% correct Thank you for answering back

I am the first to admit that I do not understand everything they are going thru, I have never been in the free sex life style, but I have known true love, And that is what I think I see with I&K!

But their so called friends do not want to accept their relationship, or rules, because the guys just think with the small head.

People have suggested Indira & Kosstja get their own realm many times before. This is what Henry has recently said in regard to that.

vous etes la premiere personne sur ce site qui vois les choses exactement comme je les vois.

Elle est amoureuse et prete a baiser Putin lui meme pour pouvoir faire l’amour avec son Kostja. Au faite, c’est ca qui la rend super interessante. Elle a une belle gueule, mais autrement, elle n’est pas la plus belle. Elle est jeune, avec un sourir qui peut fondre un coeur. Simlement jugee par le standard de beautee, ils y’a d’autres apartments ou les filles sont plus belles. Mais aucune n’a son sourire. Mais c’est finalement cette historie d’amour au milieu d’un merdier qui la rend fascinante et qui attire la foule.

Pick up the phone give ET a ring :rofl::rofl:

Does K bake his own bread? It sure looked like he was just kneading some dough!

They can send him away, but where do they get such a cook from? Do they have to cook themselves :rofl:

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That is going to be a big loaf! or a lot of buns!

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they do not want or henry does not want ???

Kostja already know how to handle big loaf and buns as he has a lot of practice. Have you seen Indira lovely big bun he work on every night.

Kostja and Indira do not want.

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