Jirina (Part 1)

If they seperate Indira and kostja, this realms views will be close to the bottom

I’m under the impression, that Viva at M&H is gaining interest, not from the love-story-lovers, but from the hardcore sex-lovers.

I wonder if there is room for both.

If I&K were seperated, the management gave up a moneymaker, because ranking third ist still good, don’t always have to be #1 to earn money.

Thus I think at this point ist’s not gonna happen.

If it does, I will not renew my premium.

Most likely you are right. That day a lot of things were tossed around. Recall the day Jirina and Tejo returned to the apartment and had a long discussion in their bedroom, door closed with K&I . Later they ended up at H & M and Marica was also there. That’s when April 1st came up. Many options were discussed. The atmosphere was gloomy. Since then Marica moved in with them. Small events which had not taken place in two months were beginning to happen: Marica givign Kostja a blow job, Jirna going down on Indira while that one was blowing Kostjia, Tejo caressing Indira’ sass, clearly waiting for an invitation. May these actions are accidental and no reason to associate them. On the other hand, for two months such things had not been happening and all of the sudden they do. Two days ago on he H& M bed, Indira, with a very voice, low tone, asked Kostjia what he found out. He apparently had an important conversation with someone in some authority. Next Indira was worried if Kostjia will still trust her when she has sex with someone on the team. A the moment, the question appeared just theoretical. Yesterday we saw that it was not. There was a plan for a foursome. It was not just a spontaneous event. When this sort of events happen naturally, they are happy looking events. Here, Kostija did his duty, and proceeded to bail out of the place. Indira stopped the sex and pulled in Mikl into a long, serious looking conversation. She has done the same with Mikl in at least two previous times. Once right after the orgy at T&S, the other time when they were at M&M&S right before their vacation.

My guess is that they will leave. Yesterday was not a good result, and the discussions afterwards, although amicable at first, then went downhill. Even though they had a good fuck in the early hours, today seems tense with Kostja trying to initiate sex but Indira not really interested.

Got the vibrator out…

It will be interesting to see how her parties go while she is apartment-sitting for H&M.

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What does Kostja gain from his daily wank? No payment because he keeps it private under the covers…their are a few bi/gay guys on here…if he was to remove the cover he would at least get views from them…and there are some girls that like to watch a man…they find it exciting. Why does Indira take herself away from Kostja when she wants to play with her toy? I would have thought that a double masturbation would attract a number of viewers.

And now together again…

I had a lot of respect for you. I really didn’t think you would stoop as low as name calling towards people that have opinions that differ from your own. It’s a bit sad really. I thought you were better than this. I hope I am not one of the people you are referring too.

Only if they sperate them by both sending them to different realms. If they separate them by leaving one here and sending the other to a different realm. The views will stay the same here while also increasing the views to the new realm. A shrewd business move.

I have a theory about the recent interactions.

I hope I am wrong!
I know it is difficult to hear much less understand what is being said.

  1. At the M&H meeting, Did I&K look so upset, because Henry gave them an ultimatum. That they either become regular sexually active members of the group , or they will be f___ed to leave on April 1st?

  2. Did they try going to S&T first, because I&K were more comfortable with them because of their past relationship with them, But Troy fucked up by getting _____ and passing out, so that

  3. they had to try Mikl and Shana!

If this is the truth, then I consider Indira and Kostja to be the victims of R__e,
IE: being f___ed to engage in sexual activity that you do not want

This is just my theory about recent events, As I have seen them!

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And the CIA probably did shoot down Alien spaceships.

Where did the youngsters go??? Another secret party? With M&S ???


I’m getting a little tired of all those conspiracy thinkers lately

Always Sunny Reaction GIF

If the views are because of watching indira and kostja as a couple, if you send them to seperate realms they’ll both be miserable missing eachother, and kostja only came out of his shell with her. Telling two people who are in love, you can only be together during the parties, will depress them, and the views will only be up when they’re together, instead of all day at their apartment

they went out

Dont bring Aliens into this :rofl::rofl:

I’m not saying it is right but people will toon in to watch this. They will watch the realms to see what they will do to be together.


Cue, the West Side Story music lol