Jirina (Part 1)

No all good :+1:

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night y’all…

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S___p well…

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I don’t think kostja and indira have to.worry about Bruno he has fun pounding Viva over and over again

Never mind you were right.

bow bowing GIF

No, you are wrong on that one. Totally wrong. Understandably, there is a language barrier. I understand the language but even then because of noise, because of frequent low tone of speech, I miss segments of what is being said. Yesterday’s conversation on the HM bed makes much more sense today. Indira tells Kostjia that she will not fuck without him being right there. He Kostjia says exactly the same thing. He will not fuck anyone without Indira being there. My sense is, referring to the parts I missed that they are being pushed by whoever into fucking others. One day later, we have a foursome with Mikl and Shana. I was of the opinion for the longest time that if these two will remain part of the project, they will be pushed to fucking other people. At some point, when the April 1st conversation took place there was even talk of separating them by having K & I in different apartments. This is a much better guide to what is going on rather, who has the bigger dick, because girls like them big.

I like how you told him he is totally wrong after he states that this is just his opinion and others may think different.

No where in his detailed post does he mention anything about girls liking bigger dicks. Why even bring it up in your response to him…:man_facepalming:

Opinions need to be based on some facts. I can imagine anything I want and state that this is my opinion. I try not to do that. I try to find some supporting information about my opinions. Often I think that I got the facts right, then turns out that my facts are not accurate and the opinion I had expressed was totally wrong. I happen to be in a position of getting some facts due to my knowledge of Russian. Often my knowledge is useless when the conversation of interest occurs in a very noisy room. or when the participants deliberately speak at very low voice, low enough that I can pick up just a few words. I do not always repeat every word I hear, precisely because the difficulty to pick up entire conversations and the context of the conversations. So yes, when I say that someone is wrong, that is because their pure speculation while occasionally correct, most of the time are totally off… Too often, people here throw around opinions based on assumed sexual appetites of Indira or other women and time and again, those opinions reflect more the ignorance of what drives most women in life. And no, most women do not stay with some guy because he has a bigger one. Women are much more complicated than that

I feel the gist of his message was that today Indira was enjoying herself until she noticed Kostja left and then she got worried. You have not said anything to prove that this is a false assumption that I am aware of besides saying his opinion was all wrong.

LMAO why do you keep bringing up big dicks. No one including myself has said a women will stay with a man because he has a large cock… :man_facepalming: I think your emotional investment into Indira and now watching her swap may have been too emotionally taxing for you. Which has got you thinking a little funny, apparently about big cocks. :man_shrugging:

@NotSeth thanks for supporting my position, but let him stay in his self built world, he can not be convinced, and whatever the developments are he will claim them as his prediction.

What I see as proof of my opinion is, that now he is telling, someone is pushing them to s___p with others.

I have said since a while, that circumstances and requirements, most likely monetary, will lead them to sex with others ie to “proposals” from the management.

And that this is not a young couple living in a regular environment that allows us to share their private life, but a young couple, that is desperately trying to get business and private interests to fit together.

If all young Russians live a life in an environment like this, where you have abt 5 different outfits to wear as your only personal belonging, I feel sorry for them, but I don’t want to accept, that what Indira and kostja are displaying is anywhere near a Russian self controlled family life.

This is a sharply defined business environment in the sex industry, that is controlled by the management and nothing else.

The main goal is to provide sex and thus attract paying viewers.

And to me the bottom line is, the love story is almost over for the viewers here. Either it will be destroyed by the monetary business requirements, or proceed outside the project.

I see a lot of tears in both, the eyes of kostja and Indira, instigated or not, and in those, amongst the viewers who are not willing to accept the facts.

We all will see how much of this is true in the end.

@Mitchel18299 as little as you want to share my opinion, as little am I sharing yours. So let’s both stop to try to convince the other.

And what I forgot is, that I am sure, that Indira enjoys being fucked by a large dick, but that doesn’t mean it’s mandatory for her sexlife.

Not only men have sexual fantasies or wishes. Some of them are fulfilled, some are not.

I never said that Indira is addicted or fundamentally in need of a bick dick. I said she likes one every now and then.

And her lovely bright smile after being fucked by both mikl and Tejo tells me that there is a good chance that I might be right.

On the record I would like to remain neutral as to whose opinion I support and whose I don’t. :grimacing:

I really hate it when mommy and daddy fight with each other. :pleading_face: :sob: :sob:

Lol this topic turned out to be pure comedy last night :rofl: @NotSeth got the poor new guy all confused :see_no_evil::joy::joy:

comedy central laughing GIF

take it the wife gone bed :rofl: as your replying again with silly pictures :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She has two wives, perhaps they didn’t want to play with her! :laughing:

Dump and Dumber have expressed their opinion. I am sure their are right.

kostja relieves stress


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Kostja showed Indira a chat sequence on his mobile, and she was not happy about it, as it seems.

@TejoJirina & @Jirina got verified as VHTV Participants, welcome again, guys.


Kostja/Indira…When you go to a party have clear rules…I would suggest that playing with others is ok but full sex is only for each other. This is the way that we started out (mostly to ensure any c___dren born were ours!!) and it worked very well. We have been swinging (just with one or two couples at any one time) for 25 years now and happily married for 30. I accept that it may not suit everyone but it could be a starting point for you two. Good Luck!!