Jirina (Part 1)

Totally agree…

You are aware that they are trolling this page right??

You Dont Get It Over Your Head GIF

Oh come on, I want updates on every thing… I even want to know when she farts…

I mean we can ask @jabbath1987 if you would like, but him giving my comments the :laughing: emoji is a pretty good sign he found it funny. It was all in good fun my friend. This forum is for fun. No need to be so serious all of the time.

HAHAHAHA I love how you put (I think)

I can’t tell sometimes! Thought I better cover myself :laughing:

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and that is what makes the jokes even funnier. Well at least it does to me. :sweat_smile: Just like with lies they are best when you sprinkle a little truth in them.

Cracking Up Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Talking about Indira, there is something in her behavior which I do not understand.

Going back to the orgy at T & S, which was initially Henri, then Mikl took over. As soon as it was over, Indira, with a serious face engaged Mikl in a lengthy serious conversation. As if she would be spilling her grief and asking his advice. At that point she did not know Mikl well. As a matter of fact I do not think that she know Mikl well as a human being and most likely his is not a friend going well back. During that conversation among other things he was talking about the small rural town he was from and the farm life there. Then right before the K& I vacation, they came visiting to M&M&S. Indira was vamping. Mikl was all over her. She was making out with Henri. But when Indira and Mikl found themselves alone in the room, Indira came over toward Mikl, took refuge in his arms, and started talking like today, with a voice full of grief. That same day during that evening Kostjia was doing some weird stuff. Later this was a crisis and Kostjia apologized to Indira. Today again, once the are alone with Kostja and Snana out of the room, Mikl want s to change positions, proposes to her doggy. Instead Indira take a different course. Once again she get comfortably close to Mikl and with a voice practically in tears starts complaining and gets a long time of attention. I do not know was being said. She was whispering and Mikl very deliberately change his voice to be practically impossible to hear. But in all three cases. this scene was a repeat.

Good thing that you are gay

For some unknown reason (to me) she feels close to Mikl…

To me it looks purely physical between them. She appears to really be enjoying his big :eggplant:. He is just a good fuck and nothing more to her imho. I think that is also what she wishes Kostja would understand when they swing/swap.

If it would be that simple, once he was coming off missionary and proposing her doggy, to follow your logic, she would have said, got ahead, bound me as you can. But she did not she sat up and initiated a lengthy conversation, pouring her hear out. How do you explain that ?

Actually fairly easy, she was ok with it but she started to worry about how Kostja felt once he left. To her Mikl is nothing more than a good fuck, just like Tejo. Her worries come from how Kostja will act to her enjoying fucking someone else.

I would love to see that action. I just remember one time at H&M’s that they played. It was nice to watch. :+1:

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Same as Tejo,

they are friends. Tejo gave her shelter when Mikl fucked her at M&Ms in the gang-bang, and he held her, when Mikl squirted on her ass, and just gave her a complete towelbox to go and help herself, which made her look really astonished.

Today on cam 6 in Bedroom the conversation was good to hear, just I don’t understand the language.

I guess if tonight had happened at TJIKM with Tejo, the house peace wouldn’t be the same for a while.

First Kostja all gun-hoe, shaking hands with Mikl, causing the girls to crosskiss, then upon his sexual limits in front of others Prince Drama, throwing Indira’s dress on the bed, and leaving the room after getting dressed, alienated Indira out of their common decision to the foursome.

So she changed her mind, and you could see how she was trying to find out where and how Kostja is, whilst Mikl kept pumping her.

I can imagine Indira fuck Tejo now and then for future reference, not because she is in love with him, but rather to fuck someone with sympathy to make the money they need, than someone like Bruno or the _____ weirdos.

Tejo said he isn’t after Indira, but I’m sure as a business decision he will comfort her, and for Indira that’d be a win win, amusement/joy and money funds.

This is only my opinion everyone else may think different.

yeah, and Tejo and Mikl funnily arguing who is next and then took terms. :rofl:

And Indira was all happy.

Not in love, just fun, amusement, satisfy her drive and off course business. In the beginning at december/january, she sought advice from those who had been in the group longer than her, and I was under the impression she liked what she had run into.

I still think Indira loves to fuck, just with Kostja it seems to be somewhat difficult at times, because he puts himself under pressure.

I think she enjoys now and then if it is strong, easygoing, no questions asked, with a strong long steady tool, and after that back to old routine.

Life can be easy, if one lets it be.

Family comes after that

Well put I hope no one flames your post because it differs from a lot of other people’s views. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was talking about the Debbie& Paul 4 some. But OK…

sorry, mistook that.

Want me to delete the post?

I have received many facepalms and thumbdowns for my opinion,

I can live with that. They saw tonight, that so far in parts I was right after all, and the rest will happen or not, we’ll see.