Jirina (Part 1)

I don’t understand the hate towards kostja for apparently stopping Indira from swinging last night. The fact was nobody swung at the party or had sex last night

only comfort for her at the moment is eating food :joy:

Palmer nearly did :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

When they ordered 7 films from Netflix (or whoever) I’ll bet they didn’t think that they would get the Harry Potter box set. :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Always thought that was a normal marriage :rofl:

Well Palmer almost does with Debbie doesn’t mean he ever will

Why don’t you pull quotes using the quote function rather than coping and pasting them? It’s much easier to read the quotes and check their source when you do.

I disagree that only sex keeps them together. I hear them talking. Intimate conversations, where it is clear that they are very much into each other, way beyond sex. Being of the age they are, sex will be very frequent. That is expected. Also they know that they are in show business, so it is important for them to be seen having sex. But from all the conversations I overheard. the being out of the VH business is one of their options

Wouldn’t surprise me, besides, kostja could make money cooking

Thanks that is the problem on relying only on how people react. When they are as sombre as these two , particularly Kostja with his little boy lost look, i find it difficult imaging anything that they can talk about.

Have you worked in the industry before? The back of the house doesn’t make s__t for an income. I can only imagine it being worse as a cook in Russia

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Not all that he did. At one point ( 02:25:13 )Tejo tries to finger Indira and she makes a move that immediately stops him. Small point that paints a different picture.


I did not see Kostja inviting Tejo to caress Indira’s butt. Jirina went down on Indira while she was blowing Kostjia, then Tejo started his caresses. No invitation from anywhere. It was clear that Tejo was waiting for an invitation form Indira but mostly from Kostjia. It would have been interesting if Indira would have signaled Tejo that it was OK followed by Kostja’s signal saying no. But things never got that far. It is mostly me imagining a weird scenario that could have…

Nothing to you I guess. You obviously a Tejo lover and apologist, and as others have suggested an ass licker.

Kostja prepping for hosting?

He had to say that, can you imagine the pain that telling the truth would have caused him!

Talk about Blue Balls !
:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

You can see his point though , he didn’t ask her to parade naked in the kitchen every morning , kissing “good Morning” , that could be misinterpreted…but even though he received what he may have thought were “signals” he didn’t act on them…so , you would have to say that he missed the boat there…if ever there was a boat :joy: :rofl: :joy: :thinking:

I doubt that Kostja would be able to handle this emotionally, even if he would give (foolishly) an invitation. ( at list not yet). And even if he did, it would change the dynamics of this realm with great potential for constant stress and conflicts leading to a quick demise of this realm. I think that Indira knows that, that why she did not respond to Tejos tries. Tejo and Jirina may have another agenda so it would not surprise me if there are more tries by Tejo.

I was shocked, A Birthday party for Henry, and did he even get a Blowjob?I did not see any mention in the M&H forum, The closest thing I know about was Palmers’ failure with Marica!

Why can’t those jerks keep it up for her? Marica is gorgeous! That was so sad to hear about!

Marica really needs her own Kostja, who can focus on her and keep it up for long enough!