Jirina (Part 1)

He got two blowjobs from Shana.

Yes he did. Shana gave him one when he was sitting in the red and black bean bag couch. Tejo was feeling up Viva at the same time.

The first one was behind the air sofa…she pinned him up the corner and she demanded his cock even though he hadn’t cleared it with Mira. :joy: :rofl: :joy:

In the pic I saw it looked like Shana was working on Mikl while Viva was occupied by Tejo! image

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When it comes to Palmer he’s to _____ to rise up everytime, and i doubt marica would go all the way with him

Still making up your bulls__t. How about you try growing up and moving out of your mummies house and stop stalking a teenagers love life :man_facepalming:t4:

That wasn’t one of Henry’s blowjobs.They were clear one on ones.

That is the only evidence I have of any action from M&H last night!

So was the Viva gang-bang his real present?

If she was I missed that…

You need to find the scene where the room was full , everyone laughing and not taking notice , Henry came into the room and went behind the air sofa … Shana pounced on him , started to kiss , no one took any notice so she slid down to her knees and gave him a good blowjob.

After K&I came home I went back to H&M but could not see anyone anywhere…I presume they were all in the bedroom?

It was the night before with Bruno and Loki, and Mira, It should be in the archive in a day or two! I think!

Question: where is today’s event ? - Looks like Indira and Marica are all dressed up. No sign of Kostja

All this S#it seems to be running together… :joy: :rofl:

I think you are mistaken…Indira is in Tee shirt and jeans , Kostja in boxers.

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What can we do about it? it is the same large group using three of four apartments to party!

Would it be less confusing if the topic was the M&H group, instead of the individual apartments?

That was a very uncontroversial gang bang, from the moment she entered the bedroom, her eyes lit up like it was Christmas

Can’t wait for it to show up in the Archives!

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I’m not sure if she fucked loki or only sucked him