Jirina (Part 1)

Yes, it defiantly wasn’t meant for me. :sweat_smile:

Seth117042Premium Viewer



Are you still convinced Tejo fucked Shana without her consent??

Yes, based on my observation. Mikl’s consent is not the same as Shana’s consent, didn’t hear her say anything on the switch, she accepted the situation and got away as soon as she could without looking at him or saying a word. Of cause others may see it different.

BTW It was meant for you. Senior moment or just late?

Seth117042Premium Viewer



Yes, it defiantly wasn’t meant for me.

Let me understand your logic. Why do you repeat what he said? Suppose he did, would you expect him to tell you that he did? All we have it is what we see, what we feel, or even what we guess or fantasize, Anything we hear from participant may be true or not.

I watched it last week, and I believe she knew it was tejo fucking her and she continued while sucking Henry’s cock. It looks like she knew mikl was switching with him. Both kostja and indira were excited to join to orgy, and kostja definitely gave tejo permission to fuck indira

Just catching up on tonite’s events… again thanks to those who post full pictures with time stamps (why do a few of you feel you have to crop everything???) First, nobody can organize a party and stir it up to a frenzy like @Henry, nobody. But without their presence tonite, the party seemed more civilized and controlled. Everybody had a great time and there was no drama. Am I missing something? I’m open for intelligent, well thought out comments/thoughts, not a discussion. So this excludes the one who answers his own posts and dreams up hysterical scenarios from his Mommy’s basement and our resident troll who looks for comments just to pounce on who he sees as defenseless (and never posts original content BTW) and is always right, regardless of who’s quote he provides as evidence… you know who they are. Why was tonite so much more civilized and fun? (Palmer, Bruno and Morris weren’t there… I get that) Why was tonite a success?

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So, what you are saying is you don’t want to hear anything from me? :wink: :joy: If so I am rather
disapointed. I was really starting to enjoy our nightly conversations, what a shame. :worried:

I prefer to engage with those who are not defenseless. It’s much more enjoyable having a conversation with someone that can challenge me. Are you hinting that you find yourself defenseless and feel I am picking on you? If so my apologies that has not been my intention.

I do post quite a lot of original content fyi and have gone on record many times admitting I am not always right.

Am I using your quotes correctly? If not please tell me how to correct them. It’s good to see you here again my friend.:kissing_heart:

And you’re the one who replies… no surprise. Next…



then and now and never at all I did not persuade her to have sex, I assure you. if you’re wondering, then she herself wanted to, but at the same time she was very worried about the bone that closed in the lodge. and when mikl and I said that it’s better not to, kostya came into the room and said that he was leaving, and she got angry and had sex with us, as a result, it turned out that kostya didn’t go far and again returned to the balcony

This is exactly how we have seen it and remember. Right?

Looks like we have here a BS Maestro per excellence

I agree with a lot of what you said. I came to my conclusion from watching the videos, listening to what participants such as Shana and now Tejo had to say about the event, listening to what some of our Russian speaking users had to say about the event, taking into consideration what other forum users have said about the event and then using all of that information to come to my own conclusion. Personally, I find the truth is made up of a bit of all of those factors. The truth can also be a bit subjective. What is true for one person may be slightly different for someone else. I hope my answer gives you some insight into my thinking process.

My friend, why are you rude to me? I have not been rude to you.

I never called your name… you just recognized your behavior and responded… enough said. You’re just a paid troll… you are a relentless bully, actually a keyboard warrior/ninja who in real life, if confronted would be a heap of rubbish in the corner if confronted in real life. Make your intellect/energy count for something… we can all aim for low hanging fruit to bash, but chose not to, but you do.

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No, no I replied to the comment you left to everyone, and you responded directly to me saying:

I do not know if you were referring to me. I simply wanted to know why your response to me had a rude tone to it. I have not been rude to you. I have not bullied you either. You say that I am a bully, but you are the one who has been saying rude things to me. Why do you enjoy bullying someone who has only been civil to you?? :cry:

It was totally down to the rest of the group being friends , youngish and not pushy…and of course allowing K&I play together.

I do find that Bruno is one the few of Henry’s friends, who when he realized indira only will tease, moved on completely from her, instead of being flirty or touchy feely, he doesn’t like games, which i can respect


Does anybody know why Marica is showering at m&s and walking around in undies?

Then she could have as well stayed there (???)

She probably has more of her stuff to collect, otherwise I’m not sure. I guess while she’s there she may as well have something to eat and walk around in her red undies to remind Mikl of what he is missing out on! :laughing:

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Could be because of work outside her window?

I think hanging there when they’re not fucking is fine with her, it was at night they made her feel uncomfortable i believe

She had her fun last night, and who knows if loki becomes a party fuck buddy, when he’s not bringing that hot blonde to the parties