Jirina (Part 1)

Still Harry Potter:

preferred the program 1,5 hrs ago:


But there seems to be a new program comming up:



Well I’m glad you’re replying to all your haters lol. You, Henry and mikl have a lot of them lol. It’s so sad that they really don’t have a good reason to except the stories they make up all the time about you guys. I think I am your staunchest support on here bro. I know where you’re coming from and I have seen your respect. These guys are just jealous because you’re living your life and they don’t have the same thing in theirs. :joy::joy::joy:

Indy is definitely putting on the Stay Mad Big Girl GIF by GrowMija

time to get our hair re done


Marika can braid hair… color hair… Dance… Sing… Cook… sounds like someone is missing out on a fantastic wife!

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At least it not hairy pooper… :open_mouth:

That someone is definitely not the marrying type or the monogamous type

Kostja cooking just for the participants or are they hosting again?

If they are hosting then they will compete with H&M who already have Felix and Felicia at their apartment.

Kostja does amuse me. He really doesn’t understand women, does he. Not that i am much better after many years of marriage. But look at him yesterday Sees Mikl giving Viva one in the kitchen and his first thought is get some himself. Play with her tits for a few moments . She was unable to do anything in the ‘throes of passion’. Gets rebuffed so runs out and tells Indira and Mikl’s two ‘non girlfriends’. Pulls Indira with him back to the kitchen, where he is expecting her to get involved as well . The picture below actaully shows him waving her in to get involved. She, recognising that Viva isn’t going to want a crowd, refuses to go in . The silly thing is that Kostja would have been very jealous if she had got involved and Mikl had moved in as we know he would have done!! Hilarious

and who on earth was Mikl phoning, Henry ?? or Shana ??


That is quite true. Those type of situations overwhelm him and every time he makes an ass of himself. Bu Morris better not dare touch Indira’s leg. Morris, show some respect !

That was the moment that caused the mini-discussion in the hall-way between I&K, when short after M&S left with Viva.

I was under the impression, that Kostja had called Indira in to show the other two off, when if he touched Viva, Indira didn’t take that as funny.

Since Shana was still there, i think it was Henry, maybe he really did ask permission to bring her home to fuck

Where has everyone gone?

Indira and Kostja with Marica went to Savannah and Troy

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I guess Kostja may have been just playing with Viva but my real impression, the way he gesticulated towards Indira was that he wanted to bring her into the kitchen. I think she could not see anything from where she was standing , in the ‘no-show’ zone.

Into the kitchen yes,

to get involved - I doubt.

Jirina it iz the best,does not let a dick fall down.