Jirina (Part 1)

I have been watching you for a couple of months. I think you are the most responsible person in the group. You always treat women with respect. You always know when to stay away, but you still will try to get into their pants, but, you know what NO means, not like the rest of them.


я уважаю мнения любого человека и его выбор меня так учили

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I think it is wrong of Tejo to point out his finger at you as a Tejo-hater. That orgy at H&M left many with a very bad taste. The fact is, we still remember that particular event because it stood out from all the other events. Nobody here is anti-orgy, anti-swinging, anti-whatever. Nobody is watching this channel and behaves like a moralist. We see sex and orgies in 50 apartments and we enjoy it and we pay for that pleasure. The thing that got most us us ticked off what that this was not an usual event. The most offensive to me was a s___ping kostjia on the bed in the HM apartment being removed from the room so that Tejo, Mikl and to some extent Henri could have sex with Indira. Yes, Indira went along with this. I am rather convinced that the event was pre-planned, all except Kostja s___ping. Tossing out Kostjia was just a very lousy thing to do. If you are having a sex party, and Ksotjia is Indira’s boyfriend and he is OK with the sex party, why not include him in the sex party ? Even among thieves there can be a code of honor. No saints here. You do not do something as disgusting as was done, even if silly, Indira approved it, and she did approve it… I did not see any trickery. In retrospective, I think that Tejo will also come to accept that tossing out Kostjia out of the room so as to have a gang-bang with his girl friend was an error. That does not mean that I am willing to condemn him for all times. I have watched him since that event and I came to realize that this was a one time mistake. All around his behavior has been very descent, including toward Indira.

It’s fun communicating with you, getting to understand you better. I agree when she’s ready she’ll date. Having her old friend Kostja living here helps. I’m glad you guys are all helping her.

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@TejoJirina if you comment on here more often. I think some of them will come around and become your friend eventually. :hugs:

Я не думаю, что вы бы так подумали обо мне, если бы прочитали мой предыдущий пост несколько недель назад. Это может даже ответить на ваш другой вопрос. Дело не в вас, вы можете быть племянницей на этой планете. Это о вашей хитрой тактике

Are you still convinced Tejo fucked Shana without her consent??

Think kostja is running on enegiser batteries tonight :grin::grin::grin::grin::joy:

если ты думаешь что я иду на хитрость чтобы наладить с тобой хорошие отношения друг то скажу что ты ошибаешься )))) мне все ровно что ты думаешь обо мне )))надеюсь это не грубо звучит но это факт прошу прошения если это обидно ))) но мне нравится ваши сказки обо мне продолжайте )))

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я без согласия девушки и их грудь трогать не стану друг мой ))) меня не васпитивали такой мразью )))) к счастию

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He keeps going and going, everyone else is as___p. Indira has the same high sex drive. Making money, one fuck at a time

я не стремлюсь этому ))))

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I know this but unfortunately a lot of people want to believe their twisted fantasies about you. The want you to be a bad guy and won’t believe anyone if they tell them otherwise. :cry:

I have always thought of you as a decent person.

да ладно пускай считают ))) мне не жалко ) у каждого свое мнения и каждый для себя прав )))


Team S___ping GIF

:rofl::rofl::rofl::grinning::ok_hand::zzz:доброй ночи брат


Yes, based on my observation. Mikl’s consent is not Shana’s consent, didn’t hear her say anything on the switch, she accepted the situation and got away as soon as she could without looking at him or saying a word. Of cause others may see it different.

Sure you sent this to the right person

Tejo just said he doesn’t fuck anyone without their consent ever… :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: But believe whatever you want. You are more than entitled to that. :+1:

No I didn’t, sorry…