Jirina (Part 1)

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Yeah you’re right,

good proteines, don’t waste food.

But just in case, one has to be prepared. :rofl: :rofl:

Ryan is an older person and for some reason he doesn’t like anyone close to his age fucking the girls. It doesn’t have anything to do with you really.

я не пожилой :grin::rofl::sweat_smile:мне всего то 30 лет

I didn’t like the way the you and mikl spoke with indira in Henry’s bedroom in January and persuaded her to hook up, even though she wasn’t sure she wanted to because her new relationship with kostja. I felt like it looked like you guilt tripped her into doing it. I know she enjoyed it, but on camera it looked like she didn’t want to at first. Thats my observation, I don’t hate you, or anything

EVERYONE STOP BEING MEAN TO @TejoJirina!!! TEJO IS MY FRIEND STOP PICKING ON HIM!!! :triumph: :rage: :rage: :rage:


I have said you were in your 30’s multiple times but they will not believe me and I do not have your birth certificate to show them as proof. :joy: :sob: :sob:

A lot of the Indira fan club think a 10 year age difference between a man and a women is to much for some reason… :man_shrugging: They are silly.

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then and now and never at all I did not persuade her to have sex, I assure you. if you’re wondering, then she herself wanted to, but at the same time she was very worried about the bone that closed in the lodge. and when mikl and I said that it’s better not to, kostya came into the room and said that he was leaving, and she got angry and had sex with us, as a result, it turned out that kostya didn’t go far and again returned to the balcony




когда меня просят дружише я стараюсь не обижать :kissing_heart:и я тебя очень люблю :kiss::revolving_hearts:

О, Тейо, вся эта любовь, я не думаю, что я этого заслуживаю! Я полностью обезоружен

собщения на верху это тебе друг мой )))) а так мне все ровно поверишь ты мне или нет это только твоя проблема )))можешь меня ненавидить это даже забавно )))) и по прежнему скажу если кому что то иртересно что то можете спросить я отвечу ))))


:sweat_smile::+1:ты мне нравишся чувак ))) ты классный )))

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I will admit, not speaking russian, I only go by facial expressions, so I don’t always know what’s going on. I didn’t mean to offend you, I just go by what I see, not understand

@TejoJirina thank you for communicating with us. This is fun! :smiling_face:

Young wons still having sex in living room

I hope you will finally believe what a lot of us have been telling you for months. Poor Edd this news might be to much for him to handle. :laughing: :cry:

правда вы меня не обидели и правда мне иногда очень весело читать что пишут про меня :grin::laughing::sweat_smile:иной раз хочется спросить с чего вы взяли ? так что мой друг все отлвы веселый человек а мне нравится веселия в любом облике )))ично :+1::+1::+1:

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I must say your friend loki and marica did look really cute together, I’ve watched her and mikl for a while so I’m happy she’s in a better place, for a single women. I’m curious if he has a girlfriend because I like marica, who deserves to have fun and be happy.

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It comes from the fantasies in their minds. :joy:

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марика правда очень хорошая нежная девушка)))) начнет ли она встречаться с кем то или нет это только ее решения и право )))) она пока с нами нам нравится но в будушем любое ее решения мы примем с уважением как и любое решение любого участника нашего дома )))))

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с такими фантазями можно мимуары писать )):wink::grin:

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