Jenya DADYA & Friends

I will leave other people to give you ideas if they want to. However, your mention of Isidor is a good one. It’s has certainly been enjoyable for some of us, to see the 2 of you together.

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Я имел в виду, что вы должны заставить всех нарядиться единорогом, или нарвалом, или носорогом, даже если это только рог и хвост. Ты похож на того парня, который может быть единорогом. :metal: :unicorn:

He is a good friend of mine, if I arrange something, then I will definitely call him

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Хм, можно устроить, думаю будет круто :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yussss!! You da man.

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The fact that nobody (that i can name now) likes him, should speak volumes for you.

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Is this Talon?

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Denk het niet .
Talon heeft geen tatoeage volgens mij .
Maar ik ben het niet zeker .
Was hier gisteren ook , is blijven slapen ook

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I can’t see properly on the phone, but looks like him to me

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No this is not him. Talon has a mark in the centre of his forehead (in all pictures, particularly the ones in the old directory). Also no tattoo in any of those.

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Thank you for clarifying this to me :hugs::heart:


Eindelijk had ik het ook eens juist :face_with_peeking_eye::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
Dank je David voor de verduideling :wink:


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Some people like the Pudding and do not hate him. Just like in life some people cry louder than others to get their way. If the Pudding is your friend I am sure you know him better than the viewers do. I trust your judgment and I am sure there are others that do as well.

You are the best bro, thank you for understanding, you really look and see a lot, I love :kissing_heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Hmmm nothing happened at the party… Let’s hope Toriana will go to Inga now.

I agree that if pudding has messed up previously as we have seen he didn’t say that he always does it in every apartment…

Yes, that looks like Talon to me… :thinking:
He’s just grown some facial hair and has a new tattoo. The mark on his forehead is also visible with the right lighting.

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That’s Talon without a single doubt