Jenya DADYA & Friends

But Junior has gained quite a bit of weight, hasn’t he?

He’s gone from Junior to Senior… :rofl: :rofl:

I would have wanted to suggest mega-junior :wink:

His name is Pudding

…and he is probably looking for a place in which to squat!

Thats right, name suits him, the size he is… :rofl: :rofl:

is the same person that Scott Jr.?

Apparently so. I never followed the entire story relating to him (or the other ‘Scott’) but I have seen the names listed, in the directory.

Why don’t you love him, what he did to you, he’s my friend and we communicate well with him, he didn’t do anything wrong to me

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There will be a party today, Torianna should come))))) And my birthday is on June 19th, what would you like to see on this day?

the guy is a creep,waitng girls to fall as___p and than he is sexually taking advantage of them. he have done it multiple times. he have no morals. kick him out,never invite him again.

But it is forbidden to use girls in a dream without their consent, as he did several times? I’m sorry, I’m sorry that you don’t like him, but we communicate well with him, I can’t help but call him and yes, there will be a lot of girls today

he did it atleast 3 times as i can recal.where ever is Junior troubles follow, and fines.not to mention the rage of viewers.
you been warned :wink:

Well birthday ‘boys’ need to ‘wear’ their birthday suits (hopefully this translates clearly and you know what I mean by this) on their birthday!

Actually, we have often seen you ‘wearing’ yours most days, when not wearing ANYTHING else!!!

I am only being playful with you but you DID ask.:slight_smile: :innocent:

Thank you for warning me, I will be attentive, this won’t happen at my house, but the fact that the audience will be upset, I’m sorry, but I can’t do everything you want, understand, I’m also a person, I also feel something, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, but I hope you understand me, until he did something bad, I can’t hate him, I’m sorry, I hope, I really hope you understand, I love you :heart::heart::heart:

Very naughty unicorns. :unicorn: (Or narwhals, which are sea unicorns. Rhinoceros’ for the larger guests, I guess. :rhinoceros: )

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It’s very funny, I like your game, but the translation is not correct enough and I did not understand what you mean by what I wear when there is nothing else to wear, please explain :pleading_face:

Чтооооо, ахахахаха, я ничего не понял, но это очень смешно, ты развеселил меня, спасибо :heart::heart::heart:

I simply meant that we often see you wearing nothing at all…that is the same thing as a birthday suit (we are of course born without clothes). :slight_smile:


Aaaaaah, now I understand everything, but I almost guessed myself, but I can still go on weekdays like this, don’t you want anything more interesting on your birthday, I could call Isidore and Cinderella

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