Is the Leaderboard ranking system flawed?

Hi everybody,

I have to admit, I didn’t read the whole conversation here, so forgive me, if I mention something that has been suggested before.

My personal opinion about the leaderboard, given, the majority or people in charge want to keep it, that the likes received should count much more than the likes given.

First: you have to create input to receive likes.

Second: The “collector’s fraction” would loose ranks against the ones they “liked”, and be dependend on others to like what they created.

Off course I understand, … ahh, nobody is gonna give likes because they put the ones up, that receive the likes…, I hear it in my imaginative ear.

But the ones who don’t contribute will not get any likes, and stay where they are, … at the bottom.


Off course that aspect might also be a fragment of a “in-whole-solution”.

Anybody who disagrees, please ignore my post. Thx for reading. :blush: :blush:

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You are absolutely right in that aspect of possibly using another writing type and writing size to make it slightly bigger by highlighting it. Makes it easier to see and understand. I am saying this even though I understand very well the writing you are using currently at the moment. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m not sure if you wanted to answer to MY post. :joy: :joy:

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Ur right cause now when it comes on for me it tells me different countdown each time

Ok, so this whole 50 likes a day thing is a joke, especially since it seems to be on a rolling 24 hrs and not a fixed time frame. What i would like to propose that only posts posted within the last 24 hrs can have any likes posted to it. If the post is older than 24 hrs then you can’t “like” it, or any other emoji. Thoughts??? @kaya


I honestly don’t see the reasoning behind this proposal, what do you think this change would improve?

Personally, I like to see when an older post gathers some appreciation over time. And when you take a break from VHTV for a day or two, and then you see the most erotic picture or video you’ve ever seen in your life, do you think it doesn’t deserve a like anymonre, only because it’s old news?

Also we could scrap the nice, good or great reply badges, those usually take more than 24 hours.

Is it all because of the “like farmers”? If people are so depressed because of this 50 likes limit, I think it could be lifted again. As I understand it, for the leaderboard likes received now count more than those given, so I think like farmers shouldn’t be a problem anymore. And if people are so annoyed by seeing Eros in their notifications so frequently, they can mute or ignore him in their personal settings. I never would have thought to start such and endless debate with this topic…

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Not possible. I can raise limit to 100 if people want however


Nobody else except the “forum owner” and manipulator did. Probably a little bit bored now having less participants to harass with his Pm’s and less apartments/managers to report/attack on the forum…


I think you should do that, 100 should be enough for everybody.


please dont !!! my notifications have never been so quiet , loving the tranquility of this place right now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl:


I agree. This is a good idea.

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:crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: