Is the Leaderboard ranking system flawed?

Because more people hate it?

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if they really want to keep it at least they should give us an option to turn off the likes notification, after all our main argument against it is the constant likes notifications , if we was able to filter the likes from the replies , that would keep everyone happy , those who use the leaderboard as a challenge can still use it and those that hate it wouldnt be pestererd with the none stop notifications caused by those that use it

if you think it’s so important, you could set a good example yourself by writing under EVERY photo you post:

Thanks to VHTV who let me post this photo without paying any rights

because VHTV is the ONLY one who can claim rights over the images

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I fully understood what it meant I’m giving to much love and showing my unlimited support for site​:100: with my reactions on these posts :grin:

What about this? :innocent:

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So far more than 90% vote to get rid of it :wink:


For me you are more than welcome to get rid of the leaderboard. Gives no benefit or advantage what so ever. :hugs:

I’m not sure that’s very representative. If you create a topic like that, those who want to get rid of the leaderboard are more likely to go there and vote than those who want, or don’t mind, it’s existence. Also, when you preface a poll with an expression of your opinion, it manipulates the outcome.

Oh boy, seems like I opened a can of worms with this topic, with some grudges and jealousies coming out.

Let’s not blow up things out of proportion. I don’t think the leaderboard has been a pain in anybody’s ass in the past, poisoning this forum. Neither have been the many likes given by some members. Admittedly, occasionally I opnened my notifications and thought: “Oh, it’s just Eros again.”

But you have to give it to him, he makes loads of valuable contributions, and gives as much as he takes.

And whether people give the likes that they give, out of the friendlyness of their heart, or more for their own score, everybody can only answer that for themself. Only in Green’s case the answer is obvious…

Also, I don’t think it’s wrong when there is a place that gives some official recognition to the most active members of the forum, the pillars of the community, so to say.

Why don’t we all just cool down and wait to see how things will develop with the adjusted parameters…

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if it cuts down the number of pointless likes notifications we recieve ,then yes that will work , just make sure those that farm likes are fully aware of the change . :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Dear Lukas156546 I think you are a nice Person with a Great sense of humor… I read 100% all your posts Unfortunately at the moment I can’t like your posts because I have a limit of 1 like every 40 minutes
PS You can used any picture of my posts


We need some more people who will vote here:

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Well, I am for keeping the Leaderboard, though with likes received counting more than those given.

If you don’t care about it, dont care about it. But if it’s some form of validation or motivation for others, why take that away from them? It doesn’t take anything away from you.

When it makes for a more active forum that is mostly a good thing. Even if some motivation is selfish.

And about those dishonest likes, have you heard about the idea that, if you keep acting like you’re a good person long enough, you may at some point become a good person?


I kind of sadly have to say I voted against it… :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

I voted to get rid of it but ur spot on :100:
I understand from both sides of the topic :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s just nonsensical, take this account for example, it is ranked 35 in activity for today only rankings despite never getting a like because they have never posted, also never liking another post in nearly 2 years of having an account on the forum

Either the points awarded for just visiting and reading are highly regarded or there is just a very small group of users actually participating in the forum

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You are right, time read, posts read - all this counts. Useful flags too, for example =)

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Maybe that will explain how you managed to be a lvl 3 for such a long time without posting ?


you evil bastard :rofl: :rofl:


I’m just in a very good and loving mood lately…

:blush: :innocent::hugs:


I will for ever be stuck at lvl 2. It is the basic fate. :smiley: :wink: :kissing_heart: