Interaction with sheep based on climates in the Commonwealth

Oh, really! Didn’t recognize that, thank you!

Sorry, I became a little irritated, 'cause don’t understand the language, either. With all respect: is it Scottish?

Yes, it’s Scottish. :slight_smile:

Apologies, from a stupid southerner. :slight_smile:

You might want to take this off just incase mate, I’ve deleted mine to be on the safe side

I do not understand anything in that topic :joy: :joy: :see_no_evil:

I didn’t realise the Scottish were so sensative? I cannot tell you the amount of times I have been called a southern pansy and it’s just water off a ducks back and banter, but I did make the edit. :slight_smile:

As I said it doesn’t bother me, I think the people that find it offensive are a small minority of the population :+1:

O fuck whit did a miss, sumwan tryn ti be funny. :rofl:

No not much all sorted probably nothing, but under the present circumstances better safe than sorry. :innocent:

I am from Kent we do speak English here

I was from East Sussex, so you are a b___dy northerner. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So you are posh and better than us?? Give over mate, Kent the garden of England ? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nuthin new there then eh Jabs😂

I don’t understand at all what this thread is about, but its title makes me remember this excellent april fool:

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I don’t understand at all what this thread is about, but its title makes me remember this excellent april fool:

It’s about fucking sheep in the highlands of Scotland…and probably New Zealand, Australia and a few other countries, too.

The Welsh National Anthem comes from a chorus in Handel’s “Messiah” - ‘We all like sheep’

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Really or is that another joke in that topic? :joy:

Shag this!

Hi good buddy, unfortunately I can’t see this as I have a message saying"your browser does not support the codec". Of course it doesn’t😂