Interaction with sheep based on climates in the Commonwealth

Is thir nae quinies. In the Ferry the noo😊

Nah nae quinies fi whar am at. Ye kin am nae whar neer thon teuchters. :rofl:

Damn you broke the translator globe :joy:

Jab’s you may like a wee look at this video. :grinning:

Oh gosh oh golly please accept my sincere apologies for mistakingly assuming you lived in the highlands😊

North and South queensferry urny in sheepshaggin country onywy.:grinning:

Less of the sheep shaggin we are civilised up here :rofl: :rofl:

B___dy French changing the spelling of my ancestors :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:, the cheek of them :grin: :grin:

Sheep shaggin-country?? that is New Zealand :rofl: :rofl:

The North of Scotland get’s that tag also

It’s cold up there for sheep shagging :grin: :grin:

Don’t they have wool? :joy: :joy:

I’m from Kent it is much warmer here :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Always thought Wales was the home of champions in that field :rofl:

This is so off topic but I simply do not dare to make an extra topic for sheep shagging ??? :exploding_head: :joy:

We’re more hardy up here we don’t feel the cold :muscle: the further south you go the softer they get :rofl: :rofl:

So I hope I found a good title for topic :joy:

What about the Falklands? I heard they have more sheep than people there… :joy:

I think that’s penguins :penguin: :penguin: :rofl: New Zealand has more sheep than people

Oh I thought they have sheep too :rofl:

The real sheep shaggers are Australian. 104 million to put some lippy on and take them out to the top paddock. :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: