Interaction with sheep based on climates in the Commonwealth

Lol isn’t Romney that American weirdo who wanted to become president some years ago? :joy:

Yeah, the inept gun nut lol

hiv a look i whit yiv sterted noo. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A dinny ken whit yer oan aboot JB,:joy::joy:bit fir fucks sake dinny lit oan whare a bide in case Big Jock gits his wellies oan an comes lookin fir me,al no be wearing onything woolen fir a while noo.:joy:

The guy on the end is close to success :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The guy third from the right is saying: Mon, yer not doing it right, that’s the ear yor shagging… :laughing:

There is nothing wrong with our leisure centre :smiley:

The two to the right of the bearded guy in blue (his right), look like girls. Would that make them lesbians? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Richt ats ma wellies oan far aboots @Dave27 hidin at? al gie ye a ganzie dinnae worry :rofl: :rofl:

Al naw grass up whar ma neebs bides bit he his goan oan aboot his swally bein Belhavens best.

Ah canna be dein wee at sharn I rither oor ain Tennents an a wee dram o whisky :beer: :tumbler_glass:

Weel ye arenae th’ only ones 'at canne write weird.

It is huir uv a easy tae write in scottish if ye cheat. :smile: :smile:

Hi buddy, It all depends if it’s ewes or rams they’ve got😂

Like you northerners care about the difference :joy::joy::joy:

I wouldn’t know I’m from Kent :joy:

I’m sorry to hear that I don’t think there’s a cure yet :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hi Jock, I dunno if you know but “oor Belhaven” is brewed here in gods country in Dunbar. :+1:

Och a ken as seen as a posted it a thocht fit I feck am a oan aboot ye numpty :roll_eyes: :joy:

I’m in Dalkeith and Dunbar is only half an hour away.

PS. The Glenkinchie brewery is even closer. :+1:

What is all this about? Is this topic supposed to be kind of funny??? Of course anyone can post here almost anything, but has this crap anything to do with VHTV?

If you go to the watching button select muted you won’t see any of this light relief again. :+1: Simple :rofl: