Henry (Part 2)

I’m not sure, but Mira leaving before Henry’s dick did some walking is definitely strange

Not really, just a marriage of convenience now, just convenient when he wants his ass reamed out or no other pussy around for him to a___e. Still if she’s stupid enough to stick it that’s her problem, meanwhile she can fuck off out when guests arrive.
He’s just a serial user of women, when he can get it that is, if not Mira is the backup and she’s stupid enough to accept it.

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Interesting she brought back and left Snoopie with him

Well one less worry for her, these two are just a b___dy joke now and she is just being used for his perverted ways when he can get the loose women in.
Still her problem not ours, we can only laugh at his manipulation of her.
Wonder how Maren is? looks as though she has finally sussed him out, the last one to do so of the old gang.

Just like a wild bull in a china shop :laughing:
Use and a___e eh.


Don’t know why the young guy has turned up as not as though he will be allowed to do anything, just has to admire Henry :laughing:

Ahhh that’s why they are all leaving then as Mira’s returned home :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


At the moment the atmosphere appears ‘dead’ - the bounce has left the ball, so to speak :face_holding_back_tears:








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Blonde is Betty

You are a through and through Englishman. The right way to pronounce the name Bridget is actually Bridget, is that correct in England? I just became a little curious about it. :slight_smile:

Yrs you are correct my friend, whoever came up with Briged wants shooting or learn to spell :grinning:.
Briged sounds iike a bridge too far :grinning:.

Or in France it would probably be Brigitte like in Brigitte Bardot

Or even Bardot :grin:

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Shooting or learn to spell. You really always know how to say it straight forward. I love it. I really love it. :grinning: :slight_smile:

there is no such girls name as Briged the nearest to it would be Brigid a scandanavian name meaning ( Strength. Mythological Celtic goddess of fire and poetry .) So who ever thought up the name Briged either just decided to make any name up or the more likely scenario is they are illiterate, now im not one to cause dispersions but the guilty culprit lurks in the shadows , and im just hoping my comment here will draw him out :rofl: :rofl:

You should tell our naming expert then :laughing: