Henry (Part 2)

Another thing I noticed was this Realm kept changing Participants quickly. I think for some reason this Realm has no luck…
While in the Old Realm it has more positive energy. see now this Realm that has become better in the appearance and is going well

he doesnt give a F— what she thinks , never has never will

I truly believe in a Relationship that not everything about Sex. life has joys, sorrows, drama. I believe that many of the members buy the subscription for sex, just like me. But as in life after all sex is not everything in a relationship so I liked to see like real life of those involved. some I liked more and some less My emotions affected like watching a movie but real one even to feel very close telepathically to a person and compare myself to them
I felt attracted to a certain person and leave myself to be captivated by what I saw.
That’s why I think that because it’s true in some way there have to be fights some times are an inevitable part, we’re not c___dren so there’s a ban in order not to seeing the bad things.
I’m against it being cut and not being able to see the continuation no matter how much we don’t like it. Of course there are rules between VHTV and the participants, and the decision is up to VHTV’s it should be respected !! on the other hand we’re missing the point and that’s the true development of things. We are not talking about crimes I agree . !! I have a feeling we will see Henry again either in the Realm or as a guest in another. So why interrupted unless the participant asks for it This is only my assessment and I repeat I respecting the decisions from VHTV.

Thank You Sir to You the Forum & the community I apologize for that …

Hello friends,

Just wanted to let you know realm will be online as soon as it’s ready as this has been widely discussed here.

It will be a bit of an excitement to see what the gouvernance will end up doing. :hugs:

I already got the answer to it less than three minutes ago. My sincere apologies for that. :hugs:

Ahh thanks, so Teflon Henry living up to his name then :laughing:

Teflon Henry. Very, very exciting name that, I have to say. :hugs: :heart:

Seems to make no difference to Henry :laughing:

Well whatever indiscretions he commits nothing seems to stick and he gets away with it :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Well, he did commit some unacceptable indiscretions last night. Remains to see if he sticks with eventually not repeating it again. :heart:

Well most of us never saw the first episode but if VH want to keep playing with fire that’s up to them, have said all i have to say on the matter but Henry is like a ticking time bomb now. :roll_eyes:

Yes. That in itself can not be a positive thing for himself at least. :heart:

He had oral sex with Mira for an hour… then slept for 4 hours. woke up and went on… with New Woman like nothing happened. that’s his character, And in the episode he got angry because Mira found the messages with the New Woman which apparently the new romance it was continuously for a month or so…
Μira got into a fight with the New Woman because she told… a different story but the messages denied her

I definitely think that chick isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, otherwise she would have gotten her stuff and left Henry’s when Mira showed up to talk to him, her staying probably made things a lot worse

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Trying to talk to your wife in the bathroom whilst the other bird is on her knees giving him a blow job isn’t exactly ideal for personal relations though is it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Because I saw her taking in bath a box of pills for anxiety and couldn’t move unless she slept for 10 hours

seems to me majority of members see through rose tinted glasses , he didnt punch, her he didnt kick her, and he didnt headbutt her , HE SLAPPED HER , and if anyone knows MIRA then it as to be HENRY , we have seen over the years how domineering MIRA can be , so words would of made no difference , you can tell only a slap would calm a angry MIRA , and if you noticed HENRY was calm all through the scenario up untill the point when Psycho MIRA tried to attack the other girl with her phone , So to all you biggoted fools that think henry was in the wrong . GROW A PAIR and see real life for what it is . s__t happens … GET OVER IT !!!