Henry (Part 2)

I’m pretty sure both have been before at some point but I can’t think who or when.


They have some marking tattoos.


Are you sure they are not hired to increase earnings? :rofl: :joy:

Taking her, having the nipples taped, I was thinking the same thing. :+1:

I don`t think I have seen her before, and I do not think I am kidding this time. Actually. :joy:

Yes me too but I don’t remember where…

I still think debbie and paul would make really good participants. I wish they would start their own realm

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I don’t think they ever will…

i think u recently joined… thats y you are not aware of paul n debbie lol

nice butt though

It`s a good thing that the picture actually displays a view of the clock. That makes it easier. :hugs:

Debbie and Paul are classed as leapyear performers …once every 4 years :rofl:

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They are a couple I would classify within the pretty passive and not very agressive as a unit section. :joy:

This one:


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however, I would like to say that debbie and paul are a nice couple…they look good together…(except for paul who I’d rather buy him a house instead of taking him to dinner)… :joy: :wink: :hugs:

But Debby is topless so who cares what Paul is doing!

The name of the girl is Jenka. She visited Alida. The guy obviously doesn’t have a name

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Vacation, home coming, leaving etc etc who the hell knows these days.


Then I have heard of the name. But not seen her much in action. :hugs: