Henry (Part 2)

Definitely and well said! I did enjoy Mira’s lesbian session a week or so back and will hope that will be resumed. There is still potential for some excellent viewing!

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If I remember correctly did you get missed out last time aswell or am I wrong :rofl:

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Well i thought so on first look but i think they ended up feeling sorry for me and gave me a token 5 days.
Don’t understand how they work it out to be honest, Virgil fucked off many weeks ago and left and now i see they gave him 30 days :rofl:
My star and halo must have been k__led off :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You must of said the wrong thing and pissed big brother off :rofl::rofl: we know what you are like with your banter

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Who me???
I am one of the most likable and charming guys on here or hadn’t you noticed pal :wink:

Better go and crawl back under my rock then in case i piss anybody else off :joy:
What did i hear you say?, “B___dy fat chance of that” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You stay exactly how you are pal a proud fellow Englishman we would not have it any other way

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Can already feel the love pal :revolving_hearts:
By the way on a more serious note, i am now using the new interface, we will all have to sooner or later so may as well.
But i have noticed the cams seem to open much faster now or almost instantly when using it.
Have you noticed the same?

Definitely it used to take 3 or 4 seconds it’s now rapid

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I have also been missing out in that regard. At least a wee while ago since VH gave me days extention. Better luck next time. :innocent: :joy:

Yeah hope so, but many of the names i have never even heard of or even seen in the forum. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, there are surely some new ones here. But it is also some of the old school gang still left. So no need to worry too much I think. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am using both versions for now until I have to use only one of them. :joy:

Smart idea :rofl:

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(post deleted by author)

ive messaged you m8 @Tyrese69961

They are at Katori !

tnx i saw that :smiley:

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Chez Katori


Actually, Jan 6 is King’s Day, not Christmas, but you are right. That’s the day we (Cubans) celebrate also.