Henry (Part 2)

grey room.

Giana parked. She looked like she was going to fall as___p in the tub already. :rofl: :rofl:

It seems that Mira is rather up for a twosome:

Henry got distracted from computergame.

reminds me of Savannah and Troy.

Boy, she didn’t last long!!

Too silly for words , time for bed me thinks night all

…and so normal service is resumed.

Summary 1 makeout:

summary 2 bath:

summary 3 handbate:

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Henry digs zucchini :grinning: :grinning:

Rather elegaant :joy:

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He would probably like that ! :laughing:

Wonder how long before Mira’s name is back on the apartment :roll_eyes: :joy:

The way things seems to be moving now, my guess would be not very long before that probably happens. :joy:

Talk about the ultimate bag lady :rofl: That was a quick get away

So it seems Mira is
'completely" out of the apt. Had to ring the phone, twice plus Henry’s cell, just to get in. What a circus

First thing when she walked in, he gave her a key, at least it looked so.

Probably the one, that Gerda left behind, laying on the little chair next to the entrance door.

Missed that one

Henry Mira fucking round 2

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