Henry (Part 2)

I hope so for the poor little dog who is always alone in the house… :disappointed_relieved:

What the heck is going on?? Henry is tidying up?? Maybe not as far as actually washing something, but still. Must be something happening.

Is Chyna about to “buy” her “entrance-ticket” to a Henry-realm ??

couch - bath - bed

ich dachte Mira würde mit voll beladenen Kisten zurück kommen?

The thought of Chyna being the new occupant after Alida has crossed my mind. I can`t confirm it yet of course because it is not for certain yet. :hugs:

if chyna comes instead of alida I am happy…(the important thing is that they do it soon also because if alida’s apartment no one shows up for more than 48 hours the apartment has to go offline from what I understand)… surely @jabbath1987 knows more about it than I do… :wink:

Yes, if that will be the case I will be more than happy enough with Chyna. She has an absolutely beautiful body which I would like to watch any day and every day. :hugs:

Alida is on planned vacation. China can stay for a while because it was approved. But you are right, it’s not allowed if not planned beforehand​:sunglasses::+1:

Nevermind I’m blind. You are 100% right =))

I decided you mean if the actual tenant doesn’t show up for 48 hours, apartment goes offline and guests are not allowed if it wasn’t former agreement.

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exactly I meant if no one shows up either participant or guest for more than 48 hours the apartment must go offline(if I wrote wrong I apologize it’s not my fault I don’t know English and I use deepl translator)… :hugs:

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Ein bisschen durcheinander grad . Erst hieß es alida geht jetzt heißt es im geplanten Urlaub . Aber dass reich wird von jemand neues besetzt ?! Jetzt geht Gerda aber noch nichts offiziell. Vielleicht in Zukunft nichts schreiben bevor alles 100% fix ist und keine halbe Sachen ins Boot werfen

Giana has returned to realm 18 again I see. Better luck this time for Henry then maybe? :hugs:

Don’t think Chyna would be that stupid TBH.

No, probably you are right. We will see. Only time will tell my dear. :joy: :hugs:


Hang on hang on that ain’t Chyna is it???, some other slapper he has found :rofl:

Giana, my dear. He has tried before. Better luck this time. It looks like. :hugs: :joy:

Well that bit of fumbling never lasted long she’s got dressed now :joy:
Losing his magic touch it seems :roll_eyes:
Still always later i suppose unless she buggers off early :joy:

He has fucked her before, here and in the old appartment.

Same pattern all the time,

little getting him horny, pause, stretch the time, heavy short fuck, immediate departure.

Somehow from her body, she reminds me of Ryry. :rofl: :rofl:

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