Henry (Part 2)

thats all he knows

Wonder when the big move back of belongings will start :joy: :joy: :joy:

And Mira is there to guarantee his monthly pension, I suppose.
If Henry has no money, Mira has nothing anymore

Personally i think he has shot his bolt with the members.

The funny thing is that the living room is cluttered with Gerda’s things

I think so too, but Mira is (or was) officially his wife. Should he pay her a pension?

Not our problem really is it?

I agree, but the presence of Mira today could be a reply

The b___dy joke show , all about money, thats why she back , but have the members had enough of this show or game they are playing ?

The trouble is many members will be ready to forgive anything as long as they see regular fucking, says it all really. :roll_eyes:

Ja ,Henry sah aus wie ein Engländer ,am Abgrund"

My guess is since the time is short, it is about to fall apart, so he has to move pretty fast to avoid deterioration. The action will begin sooner rather than later. Just my quick guess. :hugs:

pension at 38 since when

The apartment must be very heated because everyone is always half naked :rofl: :rofl:

There me thinking Mira had some class ? but now just lying their legs open for views just like the other girls on here fanny pointing at the cams , sad really these two were good when first started on here but sadly no more …

What they undertake to get the views rapidly up, eh? Shame on them. :joy:

Is there a strike going on in this realm?

All of the women have disappeared, then Mira shows up. Why??

The farce will continue. Not very hard to predict in my opinion. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And most people will carrying on watching :grin: