Henry (Part 2)

Tu as raison.
Les nouveaux participants sont de tres petits niveaux…
Si le site Vhtv ne change pas d orientation. Il va perdre tous ces abonnés…

Wenn man die Wohnungen von vor zwei Jahren sieht, ist das heute insgesamt ein echter Absturz

Ganz VHTV ist “ruhiger” geworden … Es gibt kaum Partys mit Spaß oder lustigen Aktionen …

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ICH bin es trotzdem zufrieden, es hilft mir die Sucht in den Griff zu bekommen, da es langweiliger ist.

I agree with you on that. Luckily I have the archive to fall back on if I get the urge. :hugs: :slight_smile:

I see they are off line…again.

J ai l impression que ce nouveau couple a des problèmes… quel avenir ???

Espérons que pour sauvegarder le respect de l’espèce humaine, ils n’aient pas d’enfant ! Ou alors directement le mettre dans un bocal pour l’université.

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Do you often get the urge then pal? :sweat_smile:

Well, it is at least more often than you think, my dear. And more often than I would like to admit to myself. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Say no more, my lips are sealed :joy:

Ouiii mon dieu tous sauf ca … sourire

That Shana (who probably does an IT job) or Wendy and her partners don’t always stay at vhtv. It’s actually logical. But you can see that you can’t always repeat history. To start a new story will be very very difficult, I think.

I would for example very much like for Shana to stay at VHTV. But she makes her own choices. I just have to accept it and respect it. :hugs:

But you see how participants who have super filled this realm with life for months, who are no longer available for everything. Can bring the whole kingdom, I don’t want to say toppling, but staggering. When the lion is just a cat.

Being on VH isn’t a lifestyle but just an interlude from normal life and Shana and Wendy have their heads screwed on and realise this as most others have.

I will give you right about that pal. VHTV way of life represents a style away from the regular normality. No doubt. :hugs: :heart_eyes:

Felix’s face says it all.
Why the hell do I come here? :rofl:
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

But when that is said. VHTV still is a nice distraction and recreation which is needed for me. :joy: :joy:

Now Henry started talking to himself as well! :smiling_face_with_tear: