Henry (Part 2)

You’re not the only one Rob :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

Wtf is going on, your wife shows up, and you can’t keep your cock out of this women’s mouth for at least a little while

Henry is a fucking creep. Never stops touching women. Most of the time you can tell by their body language they don’t want him touch them. Now this girl is crying in the bathroom. Mira is lying down in the bed. ???


Well what can one say, i just have no words to be honest, talk about a depraved lifestyle is probably only scratching the surface.
I mean the other woman just doesn’t give a s__t either.

What’s up with the guest? :cry:

Mira is here comforting the girl.


She spent one night with him, for gods sake, she can’t be that attached to this clown

These people are just fucking twisted in their minds, i am speechless which is a very rare thing :laughing:

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We will Interesting One 3 Some 4 us … after All…!!

Four posts from last night were unnecessary flagged, all about us joking about where this women came from that Palmer brought over

Well I’m out. Now Mira has her shirt off in the bathroom, the other girl is laughing and her and Henry are kissing off an on. Now she’s getting all hot and bothered and getting passionate. WTF? They’re all screwed up.

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Maybe she’s emotionally unstable

Henry ist wieder oder noch besoffen!

Back in Business…

How to make your Wife jealous to return back to You…!!

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Henry such a bad guy mira here doing everything to get him back he must be so evil trying 4 times to hug henry

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