Henry (Part 2)

I was thinking it’s russian easter,

eggs everywhere :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She even took Snoopys dry food with her! No coming back visiting?

Is Henry talking to Gerda??

Not a very enthusiastic hug response from Mira, can imagine her thoughts then, “oh fuck me must I” :sweat_smile:

@ robwin Not what you would call enthusiastic :crazy_face:

Jetzt brauchte man noch eine helfende Hand.

Gerda is done with the monsterous guy at Alida, maybe she’ll show up for service ??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ich glaube mit Henry stimmt was nicht er atmet nicht mehr.

Er lebt noch.

He must have been sitting there for over 1hr. His phone ringing. S___ping?

Gerda left from home, so she’s probably gonna show up soon.

Too late…!! :frowning:

She left 1 hr ago. Maybe it was the doorbell not the phone. She will not
be able to come in?

Look like Henry ready to go down into the drain…

Unfortunately it’s not even a bit of Henry from the other Realm

if you see Gerda in the other Realm …she threw away her clothes she is naked and screaming

Unfortunately for the two, I think your asessment is correct.

They both can barely get along with themselves, far away from one helping the other.

As I said unfortunately.

With Mira gone, Henry looses an anchor and a person to set things right. He needs guidance.


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Henry’s reply back to Mira - “whatever”.

She looks familiar. I think she was in the old apartment a while back.