Henry (Part 2)

Probabably a better housekeeper at actually doing housekeeping? :slight_smile: :hugs:

Gerda used to be useful on a good day!

She’s trying to follow in Trisha’s footsteps? Show a bit, do a bit, hope that’s enough to get a starring role on the site…

Hope she ends up as successful as Trisha then. Eventually getting her own apartment. :slight_smile: :hugs:

Alida Gerda and the chubby guy having a music session. Gerda seems to be in a good mood.
Maybe Henry should visit them! :rofl:

I agree… lovely curves on her, face isn’t too bad, and she hasn’t yet plastered herself with ink and scrap metal. She’s even vocally responsive when Henry ate her out… lotta girls just lay there and stare at the ceiling, or don’t even allow it.

Hahaha as well as by itself there is nothing more.
Only with a prostate massage and a lot of a_____l and d__gs.
Giana is already laughing about how senseless that is.

Mom to visit and then the little boy gets his butt spanked.
Reminds me of HuCows…

Celeb visitors has arrived (both of them :rofl: :rofl: )!

While Mira is there, the stallion has to watch the stream at Alida’s.
Wow, I would beat him up short and small for this physiological agony…

Mira maybe just out walking the dog!

They’re talking…but it doesn’t sound friendly. :worried: :joy:

…and grabing a bite to eat. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Henry is pissed, that Mira ate his tomorrow lunch :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Careful Mira you don’t know here his mouth has been tonight :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Maybe she does know. Maybe she was directing the audition from backstage and isn’t happy with his performance…

I don’t usually watch soaps…but this one is funny!

She is upset over something. She seems to be angry at the condition of the apartment. She kept it much better and what Henry seems to forget is he owes much of his success to Mira his ex ‘Other Half’. She has had better body language days than this.

Mira baby you have to bring a bottle of gin and a nice redhead when you come to visit. Preferably a pregnant woman. Then something like that doesn’t happen that he forbids you to smoke. He’d rather spend money on strangers than on family.

Babe so you don’t run out of arguments I suggest you this racket.
Baseball bat BA100 Big Hit Soft foam rubber red…

The butt plugs used as decor at he table! A little unusual? :joy: