Henry (Part 2)

What’s Jesus Christ got to do with Henry?. Why not go and play with your rosary beads it may make you see the whole world in a wonderful new light…
You could always pray :pray: for Henry if it makes you feel any better.I am sure he would appreciate it :joy: :exploding_head:

so what… if it bothers Henry… he’ll tell…

But you can always pour oil on the fire, right? :wink:

I have not seen Henry say a word about anything written here yet. So I highly doubt it represents a major issue for him. :hugs: :fire: :slight_smile:

He once wrote something in the forum when someone insulted him and challenged him …

That is an absolute possibility it is correct. But then I have missed it or ignored it on my own part. The only thing he has done with regards to me is to express with different emojis when he has appreciated something I have said. Nothing else. :slight_smile:

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Oh come on Max would i do such a thng like that? :innocent:

you really suck you have no heart you are s__t…i bet if henry were to save a c___d you s__t would always have something to say against him (just let him live as he wants)

Oh dear oh dear Andre you are beginning to get rather offensive now, go lay down and take a couple of pills you will feel better in the morning i hope. :hugs:

When you watch Henry’s new friend in action she can not get enough. I think this is the difference between her and Mira. Henry has jumped ship in favour of the nymphomaniac. But be wary Henry when she has had enough of you remember you once had it all with Mira and a great group of regular friends now it appears you have burnt that bridge too. Good luck. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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Henry at their mercy or disposal


I wonder if that language would be in the interest of @Henry towards another viewer.


a person who can not stand a negative comment, has no charisma.

So far Henry didn’t complaint, so I guess he can stand it.

It’s even more curious how the quite active flags brigade/police don’t flag that kind of repeated post… Guess that user is special doing what he does for who he does and that brings blindness for the power and the system

I never fought under cover so I can tell you that in this particular case I tried to do, what I usually don’t do, I tried to flag it.

The answer was

" an error occured " and " The staff decided, that the post doesn’t need to be flagged again " or equivalent.

I wonder if the forum is worth it, if people can accuse others to be a s__t, and that’s considered ok, when that person tries to cut the right of free speach, when everybody can say what he/her/it doesn’t like about a participant as well as he/she/it can glorify that paticipant.

It appears that people can say what they want about another forum user, but any remark about a participant and the ‘thought police’ start flagging you !! :angry:

OK Henry, your realm has the worst view of all of them.